Farm News: December 2022

from Peter and Susan Dill

Happy December and Merry Christmas!

We have definitely transitioned into winter!  The temperature has been in the teens to low 20s for days  - the snow we got last week although not very deep is still on the ground.  

Jonathan is home again from France for a month or so, and we have a nice group of folks helping out this winter on the farm.  It is helpful to have some cushion as the flu goes around!

Jonathan holding baby Ashler.

Heather, Aaron, Asher, and kittens!

Peter holding Asher.

The same day Jonathan arrived home we had the lovely curly willow taken down. It was the tree often in the border of the pollinator meadow photos. A large branch had crashed down a couple of weeks earlier and our arborist (Jeff Bayes of Tree Maintenance) advised that we had come to the end of the tree's life (the average is 10-15 years). There was just too much rotten in the center...It is sobering to watch 50 years of growth and memories disappear in an hour and a half...

Joy and sorrow together.

We moved the steers to the Beasley field mid-November, so far we have had just the right days of sunshine to fill the water tubs there with the solar pump.  We will add an additional solar panel so on overcast days there will be enough power collected to run the pump. 

The company representative encouraged us that storing electricity in batteries is very expensive, so we are storing water!  Instead of one tub (150 gallons) for the group of 20 animals we have four tubs lined up! 

Peter with solar panel

Their water intake varies from day to day with humidity (they drink a lot less when it rains!!) and what forage they are eating.  Usually they average about 5 gallons per day per animal. 

The heifer group is in the 30 acre field also grazing the pasture that we did not graze in the fall to reserve it for the winter. That leaves just the cow group that we are feeding supplemental hay to in the west fields. 

Baby Maximus, the next herd bull, is growing!

Claire and Peter have a great "chess" game strategy set up where they will feed a week's feed in the next paddock to the west which will allow an eight week rest period for each paddock before we need to have animals rotate through again.  It is amazing how the grass continues to grow (yes, slowly!) even in the winter.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Is Grass Fed Beef Better for the Environment? Myths and Truths about Grass Fed Beef

from Courtney Meyerhofer

Is grass fed beef better for the environment?

In recent times, many are espousing the belief that we need to stop eating meat, particularly beef, for the sake of environmental health.

Meat rations? Beef is killing the planet? There’s a lot of sensationalism out there using fear and half-truths to garner views and attention.

In the Information Age, it can be difficult to parse through the truth when news sources seem to contradict each other and seem to reinforce their own views.

Myth: Beef production requires too many greenhouse gas emissions and has a large carbon footprint.

Truth: Grass fed beef can be a net carbon sink when rotational grazing is used.

Contrary to popular belief, grass fed beef may be a net carbon sink.

The keys to putting carbon back into the ground is to prevent overgrazing and over-tilling. When plants are not tilled, their root structures can grow several feet deep, sometimes up to 12 feet below the surface. These roots are essential to break up compacted soil, build topsoil, and sequester carbon.

When pastures are overgrazed, the plants can be killed and the soil is negatively affected. When enough grazing has occurred and  the ground has been fertilized by the cow’s manure, the plants are stimulated to grow and this is where regeneration happens.

A study from Michigan State compared the effect of conventional feedlot agriculture and adaptive multi-paddock grazing (a strategy using fencing to move cows from section to section to prevent overgrazing) on the carbon lifecycle over a period of 4 years.

The study concluded that while the feedlot system produced fewer greenhouse gases, multi-paddock grazing produced a net carbon sink.

The cows put carbon back into the soil! This means that well managed farms, working in harmony with nature, can be a net positive to our environment. This is the small, organic, grass-fed difference.

Our organic, grass-fed beef farm works in tandem with nature to regenerate soil, maintain wildlife ecology, protect water and air quality, and put carbon back into the earth.

Myth: Beef production causes significant habitat loss to wildlife.

Truth: Grass fed organic beef farms are a haven for wildlife.

Habitat loss and pesticide use are the two biggest drivers of wildlife decline, so we can’t ignore the harm caused to wildlife by conventional agriculture, even if these farms claim to be “environmentally friendly” because they are producing corn and soy instead of meat and dairy.

A common argument against meat consumption and production is that growing livestock feed (corn and soy) is a significant cause of habitat loss, an argument that seeks to equate meat eating with the destruction of natural habitat for much of wildlife across the globe.

The truth is complicated because not all meat production is the same. Our organic, 100% grass-fed and grass-finished beef farm is a haven for wildlife, and this is often true of organic farms because they seek to work in harmony with the natural world.

Rainforests, grasslands, and other large, fertile swaths of land across the world are mowed down daily to plant lucrative corn and soy cash crops. A large portion of this corn and soy goes to livestock feed, for poultry, beef, and pork farms.

This is very unfortunate because these forests and wild lands that serve the wildlife may never return to their full beauty. In this way, our farm doesn’t contribute to habitat loss because we are organic and 100% grass-fed. By stewarding the land well and feeding our cows a species appropriate diet, we also make room for the native species to continue living and thriving.

Myth: There’s not a substantial difference in environmental impact between grain fed and grass fed beef.

Truth: Organic grass fed beef production is safer for our environment and regenerates soil once depleted from conventional agriculture while grain fed beef production strips the soil.

At a baseline, the USDA organic certification requires that no commercial petrochemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides are used on our pastures, and that everything the animals eat are GMO-free. These contaminants are commonly used to grow grain for grain fed beef, and they are harmful to the soil microbes.

Our cows are organically grass-fed and pasture-raised. When grain fed cows are confined to a feedlot, unsanitary conditions for the cows and high concentrations of animal waste runoff pollutes groundwater and surface streams and rivers.

Beyond the organic concentrates from the animals themselves, there is almost always a large amount of antibiotic and drug content in the runoff since the beef are highly medicated to attempt to ward off disease in those atrocious conditions.

All of these substances sink into the ground and contaminate the soil, air, and water.

Our organic and grass-fed practices protect wildlife, water purity, air quality, and soil health for future generations.

Grass Fed Beef Pot Pie Recipe

from Courtney Meyerhofer

This recipe is a beef rendition on the viral chicken pot pie with sourdough biscuits recipe.

Leftover tender roast beef simmered in beef bone broth with fall vegetables like onion, potatoes, carrots, topped with sourdough biscuits instead of being baked inside a crust. The biscuits give the recipe a delightful texture akin to a pot pie without the hassle of making a pie crust.

The inspiration from this recipe was from Noelle Kovary.


Sourdough Biscuits:

  • 1 stick cold butter, cut into cubes

  • 1.5 cups flour

  • 1 cup fed sourdough starter

  • 1 Tbsp honey

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • ½ tsp baking soda


  • 2 Tbsp butter

  • 1 onion, chopped

  • 4 potatoes, chopped

  • 3 carrots, chopped

  • 4 Tbsp flour

  • 2.5 cups bone broth

  • ½ tsp garlic powder

  • ½ tsp onion powder

  • 3-4 cups cooked beef roast, shredded

  • ½ cup cream


The night before, start the biscuits.

Sourdough Biscuits:

Cut cold butter cubes into flour with hands or pastry blender. Mix in sourdough and honey until well combined. Cover to ferment.

The day of, get the dish together.

Beef Pot Pie:

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Warm a cast iron skillet over medium heat and melt butter. Add veggies and cook for about 10 minutes or until they are all fork tender.

Add flour, broth, and spices, with a hefty pinch of salt, and stir well. When combined and simmering, lower heat to medium low and cover. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring halfway through.

While this is cooking, mix in salt, baking powder, and baking soda to the biscuits. Roll out to ½ inch thickness and cut biscuits with a jar, cup, or biscuit cutter.

Add beef and cream to skillet and stir well. Remove from heat, top with biscuits, and bake for 10-15 minutes in a 400 degree oven.

If you try this recipe, please let us know by tagging us on Facebook or Instagram.

Farm News November 2022: A Fall Photo Tour

from Peter and Susan

Suddenly it is COLD! And we are into our winter grazing schedule. 

The milk co-op finished up well. Thank you to the faithful members!

The boys are back in the pasture after a brief walk about.

The new well at the Beasley field is in and the solar pump is working famously!

We took water samples to the lab to check on quality. Nutritionally it is great, and very high in iron. The analysts say “drink the water and you can skip red meat and green vegetables”.  Hmm.  Not as tasty or refreshing as meat and vegetables.

We will still offer rich red meat. And we may add a new market beverage for iron lovers.

Jasmine had 3 kittens, all boys!

First snow on the butte

After a plentiful fall harvest our freezer is stocked and ready to fill yours!

Seasonal Eating: The Problem with Raspberries in January

My daughter’s 2 year birthday cake.

Raspberries in January.

January of last year, raspberries adorned my daughter’s 2nd birthday cake. She is a berry fiend, with raspberries being her favorite.

I knew the chocolate layer cake bordered with raspberries would be a smashing success for her special day, and I was right.

We all enjoyed the birthday celebrations, so what’s wrong with raspberries in January? They were organic, after all.

Well, nothing really is wrong with it. It’s not useful or helpful to moralize food choices. But there are consequences to consistently choosing foods grown out of season and far away.

Raspberries don’t grow in January, at least not here in Idaho. Those raspberries were picked, likely before fully ripened, and shipped from Chile or Mexico. We also know that most produce loses 30% of nutrients 3 days after harvest.That’s a long trip that requires a lot of resources to deliver a sub-par product.
The raspberries are a symptom of something that’s been lost: seasonality.

The first supermarket supposedly appeared on the American landscape in 1946. That is not very long ago. Until then, where was all the food? Dear folks, the food was in homes, gardens, local fields, and forests. It was near kitchens, near tables, near bedsides. It was in the pantry, the cellar, the backyard.
— Joel Salatin, "Folks, This Ain't Normal"

The majority of shoppers don’t consider seasonality when shopping at grocery stores, because it’s incredibly convenient that we can eat what we want when we want it.

However, reclaiming seasonality in our lives by leaning into the current season has many benefits for our health and wellbeing.

Fall on the farm, 2021.

Benefits of Embracing Seasonal Eating

  • Less exposure to plant toxins like lectins, oxalates, phytic acid. Sally Norton has an excellent lecture from the Ancestry Foundation about how the loss of seasonality is affecting our oxalate exposure

  • Less exposure to harmful agricultural chemicals, since food grown out of season is often treated with chemicals to help the plant adjust to growing in an unnatural season

  • Improved digestion in colder months, when body needs additional support (as body is using more energy to stay warm and keep immune system functioning)

  • More nutrition, it doesn’t get better than fresh-picked and local

Autumn hallmarks cozy, nurturing, warming, happy memory foods.

Autumn is the time to celebrate the end of harvest and readying for winter ahead.

Nourishing our bodies with rich broths and hearty root vegetables and squashes deeply nurtures our spirits and gives us sustained energy in the colder months. Our bodies can lean into the rhythm of autumn, the slowing down of life, when we support ourselves with autumnal foods.

The foods of autumn have the vitamins and minerals we need to live well during the autumn season.

Embracing the fall season with these foods allows our bodies to live in harmony with nature and feel at peace and to experience the joys of fall.

Penny and Luna, Saint John’s cows.

Autumn Foods in Idaho

  • Roots: potatoes, carrots, parsnips, turnips, beets

  • Winter squash, pumpkins

  • Alliums: onions, garlic, leeks

  • Celery, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower

  • Mushrooms

  • Apples, pears, quince

Learn more about what’s in season for you from this interactive Seasonal Food Guide.

Grass Fed Beef Bone Broth Benefits & 4 Unique Ways to Get it In

Grass fed beef bone broth benefits…try saying that five times fast! (No, really, try it, it’s hard!)

But in all seriousness, if you shake your cold soup does it wiggle-jiggle or splash-splosh?

Most cold soups splash about while gelatin-rich broths will wiggle and jiggle, which is called a “gelled broth”. The difference is the protein in the broth. Gelatin-rich broths are deeply nurturing to our bodies because of the mineral and amino acid content. There’s even an old proverb that “good broth resurrects the dead.”

Bone Broth in Traditional Cultures

Traditional peoples all had different diets based on what was available to them locally. However, across many traditional cultures, broth was a staple, a central component of their diet.

Weston A. Price, a 20th century dentist, observed cultures without access to processed foods, and he determined that, as a consequence, these peoples had far superior health in comparison to modern Westerners. He traveled the globe and studied primitive cultures in an effort to restore knowledge lost in industrialized societies.

The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is dedicated to educating people today about how to use traditional foods and therapies to heal from the diseases of modernity, using the diet of our pre-industrialized ancestors.

The WAPF has digested Price’s work and synthesized 11 principles to help guide our dietary choices. This article is the seventh in a series to address and add context to each of the principles. This article relates to the following “Principle of Traditional Diets”, which states:

“All traditional cultures make use of animal bones, usually in the form of gelatin-rich bone broths.”

Muscle meat consumption can raise cortisol because of high cystine and methionine (amino acids) without balance of glycine and lysine.

Bone Broth Benefits

  • Rich source of amino acids glycine and lysine, which are highly anti-infammatory and lower cortisol

  • Source of minerals, notably sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium

  • Source of calcium that the body can highly assimilate

Basic Beef Bone Broth Recipe

The basics of beef bone broth is to simmer bones over low heat for a long time, ideally at least 12 hours. You can add apple cider vinegar to help bring minerals out of the bones. Vegetables like onion, carrot, leek, and celery are all wonderful options to add depth of flavor, as are other aromatics like bay leaf, garlic, and ginger.

A shortcut I often use is to make bone broth in the instant pot so that I don’t have to continuously monitor the simmering. Read more about the instant pot method to save yourself time!

Bone Broth Hot Chocolate

This recipe is from the infamous Fallon @fallondanae on Instagram.

  • ½ cup bone broth

  • 1 cup whole raw milk

  • 1.5 T maple syrup

  • 1-2 T cacao powder

  • Few drops of vanilla

  • Pinch of sea salt

Warm bone broth and milk over medium heat. When desired temperature is reached, whisk in remaining ingredients and enjoy warm!

Bone Broth Popsicle

This recipe is from the Kettle & Fire blog.

  • 2 cups frozen fruit

  • 2 cups bone broth

Blend together all ingredients until smooth. Place mixture in popsicle molds and freeze at least 3 hours until frozen. Enjoy on a hot day!

Savory Bone Broth Oatmeal

This recipe is from the Kettle & Fire blog.

  • 1 cup bone broth

  • ½ cup chopped mireoix (onion, celery, carrots)

  • ½ cup shredded chicken

  • 1 large egg, beaten

  • ½ cup rolled oats

  • Sea salt and fresh ground black pepper

  • ¼ tsp paprika

In a small saucepan, heat up broth over high heat to boil mirepoix. Add chicken and beaten egg, stirring constantly for a few seconds. Remove from heat.

Stir in oats and cover. Let sit for 5 minutes.

Uncover and season with salt, pepper, and paprika.

Autumn-Spiced Bone Broth Tea

This recipe is from the A Life of Heritage blog.

  • 1 cup bone broth

  • 2 T apple cider vinegar

  • 2 T lemon juice

  • 1 t ginger

  • ¼ t cinnamon

  • 1 T honey

  • Dash of cayenne, nutmeg, clove, turmeric

Bring bone broth to boil. Add all other ingredients, except honey, to mug.

Once broth is boiling, add to mug, and stir to mix along with honey.

If you try one of the unconventional bone broth recipes, take a photo and share it on Instagram or Facebook (& tag us, too)!

Is Grass Fed Beef Actually Better? How grass fed beef can improve your life

Is grass fed beef actually better?

With inflation and food prices on the rise, most of us are looking to reduce spending where we can.

Every hard earned dollar we spend must serve us and our family.

Organic, grass fed and finished beef costs more dollars than factory farmed beef. It requires more effort, energy, and attention to produce food in an ethical and life-giving way. The adage “you get what you pay for” rings true.

Our bodies are made of the energy we put into them, primarily through food, water, sunlight, and our thoughts. Organic, grass fed beef is able to give us energy to sustain our lives because of the nutrient and mineral content it contains.

Grass Fed Beef vs. Factory-Farmed Beef

Compared to conventional, grain-fed beef, grass fed beef is:

  • 10X higher in vitamin A

  • 3X higher in vitamin E

  • Substantially higher in calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc & B vitamins

  • Lower in cholesterol

  • An abundant source of anti-cancer conjugated linoleic acid

  • Free of GMOs

  • Free of synthetic fertilizers

  • Free of hormones and antibiotics

  • Free of glyphosate and other pesticides and herbicides

Prioritizing Vitality of Life

The comparison above is an impressive list of differences, but what do these differences between grass fed beef and factory farmed beef mean, in a tangible, quality of life sense?

Grass fed beef is an exceptional source of fat-soluble vitamins and minerals.

Minerals are the “spark plugs” of life. Minerals are the foundation for enzymes, and enzymes are required for every cell to operate and perform its function and to balance hormones throughout the body.

Vitality of life starts at the cellular level, so supporting every cell with minerals is an excellent foundation for creating energy.

Grass fed beef does not do this alone, but choosing grass fed beef is one choice that contributes to a lifestyle that prioritizes living with vigor.

We know that people who are well mineralized experience:

In summary, grass fed beef is a better choice because this food is able to support life!

Grass Fed Beef Chili Recipe: Tex-Mex Chili con Carne

As the weather cools and we begin this Autumn season, nothing says comfort like chili con carne. Then again, I grew up in Texas, so maybe I’m biased.

This recipe is a true “no bean” Tex-Mex chili recipe. However, there are no rules, so add a couple cups of pinto beans if that’s your style.

This chili has a medium spice to it, even when omitting jalapenos. Add jalapenos for dinner guests who enjoy the burn, and they will be delighted.


For chili paste:

  • 3 dried ancho chilis, stems removed and rehydrated in ½ cup warm water

  • 3 Tbsp cornmeal

  • 1 Tbsp cumin

  • 1 Tbsp cocoa powder

  • 1 Tbsp smoked paprika

  • 1 Tbsp coriander

  • 1 Tbsp oregano

  • 1 tsp salt

  • ¼ cup orange juice

For chili:

  • 2-3 Tbsp tallow, lard, or oil

  • 3-4 lbs Saint John’s organic grass fed stew meat or chuck roast cut into bite-sized pieces

  • 2 medium yellow onions, diced

  • 2 bell peppers, diced

  • 2 jalapenos, diced (optional, omit if you don’t want a spicy chili)

  • 1 bulb garlic (10-12 cloves), minced

  • 4 cups beef bone broth

  • 15 oz tomato sauce

  • 2 Tbsp brown sugar

  • 2 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce


  1. First, make the chili paste. Once the ancho chilis are rehydrated, drain and add them to a food processor (make sure the stems are removed before adding them!). Blend up the chilis and add them to a medium-sized bowl. Add all other chili paste ingredients to the bowl and mix well.

  2. Preheat a large pot on medium-high heat. Add fat until shimmering and sear the beef on all sides until well browned, 1-2 minutes each side. Work in small batches to prevent crowding the pan. Set beef aside in a medium bowl when browned.

  3. Add onions and a pinch of salt to the pot, continue scraping the bottom of the pot to bring up the browned bits on the bottom. After the onions are translucent, add the bell peppers and cook for another 3 minutes.

  4. Then add the garlic and jalapenos (if using) and cook for another 2 minutes, continuously stirring and scraping.

  5. Add the chili paste and mix well. Cook for one minute, then add all other chili ingredients and beef. Bring to a boil uncovered, reduce to simmer for 2-3 hours.

  6. Taste for salt and adjust seasoning. Serve warm with cornbread or dinner rolls, along with your favorite chili toppings.


If you try this recipe, let us know by sharing your creation and tagging us on Facebook or Instagram.

Practitioner Spotlight: Dr. Jennifer Petrie of Emmett Family Medicine and Direct Primary Care

Meet Dr. Jennifer Petrie, a friend of the farm and beloved family doctor in Emmett, ID.

Dr. Petrie is a practical family doctor who brings the wisdom of the Weston A. Price Foundation, her knowledge of mitigating EMFs and her caring common sense nature to her practice.

Below, we interviewed Dr. Petrie to shine a light on her practice. Enjoy!

Q: Tell us about your practice. What services do you provide? How long have you been in practice? Why did you choose this path?

Emmett Family Medicine (EFM) and Direct Primary Care (DPC) is an atypical family medicine practice in that we offer full spectrum primary care with a focus on individual health and strategies in nutrition supplementation and lifestyle to make this embodied experience of ours robust!

We also offer many complementary services that are well studied, very natural, and rarely used by my colleagues.

I graduated from the University of WA School of medicine in 1998, finished my Family Medicine Residency in Boise in 2001 and finished my fellowship in Spokane in 2002.

I’ve always been enamored with biology and I particularly adored anatomy and physiology in high school which is when I decided to pursue becoming a rural family doctor.

Q: How is your clinic different from a standard family doctor clinic? What are your guiding principles and philosophies?

EFM is certainly a unique clinic because the focus is on individual patients, their health, and serving them. We are set apart in our personal commitment to keeping our eye on the prize (patients) and to researching and implementing various techniques, nutrition, and supplements to help achieve their best outcomes.

We are a tight-knit team and I could do none of this without my exemplary staff!

My overarching guiding principles are: Love God. Serve your neighbor.

Q: If you could give one or two pieces of advice to the everyday, health-conscious person, what is something that they can do on their own to improve their health?

Anyone who knows me understands that I can’t choose one or two bits of advice but consideration should be given to:

  • Fearlessness and contentment

  • Destressing by activating the parasympathetic nervous system via meditation, grounding, loving others, being in nature, and movement activities such as tai chi and yoga

  • Integrating the logical brain with the subconscious mind. A very practical book is Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman

  • Eat organic, whole foods, especially veggies and healthy fats from avocados, seeds, nuts, olives, and coconuts such as MCT oil.

  • Avoid processed foods, including grains, soy, and grocery store dairy. Whole grains should be sprouted. Pseudograins like quinoa and buckwheat are best

  • Work on gut health as above and use pre- pro- and post- biotics.

  • Supplement deficiencies. We are all deficient in vitamin D3, which also requires vitamin K2. Everyone benefits from DHA, resveratrol, vitamin C.

  • Use technology as sparingly as possible. It is a HUGE toxin along with toxic thoughts, heavy metals, parabens, phthalates, glyphosate, petrolatum, and many more.

  • Recognize that on a quantum level we are all connected to our Creator, the Earth, and each other. Our thoughts, words, and deeds have a vast ripple effect. It turns out kindness does matter!

Q: Are you taking on new patients at your clinic?

We accept new patients all the time, normally with one of my nurse practitioners.

Anti-Nutrients in Plants: How and Why to Properly Prepare Grains and Seeds

Today, many people avoid grains, beans, nuts, and seeds due to their inflammatory nature. Many people simply cannot tolerate conventionally-grown and prepared grains, beans, nuts, and seeds. However, by bringing back traditional wisdom into our kitchens, we modern folk may be able to enjoy these foods again.

Grains, Beans, Nuts, and Seeds in Traditional Cultures

Weston A. Price, a 20th century dentist, observed cultures without access to processed foods, and he determined that, as a consequence, these peoples had far superior health in comparison to modern Westerners. He traveled the globe and studied primitive cultures in an effort to restore knowledge lost in industrialized societies.

The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is dedicated to educating people today about how to use traditional foods and therapies to heal from the diseases of modernity, using the diet of our pre-industrialized ancestors.

The WAPF has digested Price’s work and synthesized 11 principles to help guide our dietary choices. This article is the sixth in a series to address and add context to each of the principles. The sixth principle of the Weston A. Price Foundation’s “Principles of Traditional Diets” states:

Seeds, grains and nuts are soaked, sprouted, fermented or naturally leavened to neutralize naturally occurring anti-nutrients such as enzyme inhibitors, tannins and phytic acid.

Traditional food preparation techniques showcased the art of neutralizing anti-nutrients: enzyme inhibitors, phytic acid, lectins, oxalates, and tannins.

Anti-Nutrients: The Problem with Plants

Plant foods have a trade-off. They do contain beneficial minerals and vitamins, but those are often unavailable to us because of the so-called “anti-nutrients” also present in plants.

Enzyme inhibitors prevent foods from being digested well, which means our bodies have difficulty absorbing and assimilating nutrients. They are a low-grade poison secreted by the plant to prevent predators such as herbivores and insects from harming the plant. Enzyme inhibitors, particular protease inhibitors, are found in higher concentrations in legumes, cereal grains, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, and more.

Phytic acid can prevent the absorption of iron, zinc, magnesium, and calcium. Foods high in phytic acid include grains, beans, nuts, and seeds.

Lectins are carbohydrates that bind to proteins. The problem with these are they are difficult to digest and can bind to the walls of the digestive tract because they resist being broken down in the gut. Many auto-immune protocols eliminate lectins in an effort to lower whole-body inflammation. Lectins developed because the plant benefits if the seed is able to pass through the animal’s digestive tract intact and then plant into the ground and continue to propagate. Foods containing lectins include beans, legumes, and seeds.

Oxalates come from oxalic acid and bind with calcium, potentially preventing calcium deficiency. They are notable in contributing to the formation of kidney stones and contributing to joint pain. Leafy greens, soy foods, potatoes, beans, and lentils are significant sources of oxalates.

Tannins are a polyphenol that exists in abundance in nature. They cause damage to the gut microbiome if overconsumed due to their anti-microbial nature. They can also cause headaches. They block iron absorption and have anti-thyroid effects. They are commonly found in grape skins and seeds, tree barks, coffee beans, and herbs for tea.

Soaking, Sprouting, Fermenting: How to Properly Prepare Grains & Seeds

While plants have these substances that inhibit nutrient absorption, there are traditional techniques that minimize the anti-nutrients and turn grains, legumes, and seeds into an excellent source of minerals and B vitamins.

Traditional cultures soaked, sprouted, and fermented their grains and seeds to help the plant neutralize its own phytic acid, release its own enzymes through grinding, and minimize lectins and tannins. There’s not much that can be done for oxalates, but consuming a diet high in calcium, particularly dairy, is known to help mitigate the consequences.

Preparing Grains:

Grains are high in phytic acid, so most of their preparation revolves around minimizing phytic acid.

Grains should at the minimum be soaked 4-12 hours. To help the plant release its own phytase (that neutralizes phytic acid), the grains should be soaked in an acidic medium like vinegar, lemon juice, or yogurt / kefir. I’ve found that adding a few tablespoons of vinegar or yogurt is plenty to sour it.

For bread, sourdough bread that’s been long fermented is ideal to minimize phytic acid.

The blog Food Renegade has an excellent document with further information.

Preparing Beans:

Beans are high in phytic acid and lectins. Soaking beans 4-12 hours in an acidic medium before cooking helps break down phytic acid. Lectins can be mostly destroyed by pressure cooking or sometimes boiling. Slow cooking beans is not recommended because it does not damage lectins. 

Nuts and Seeds:

Soaking and sprouting nuts and seeds makes them much easier to digest and was practiced traditionally. Soak the nuts and seeds in salt water, rinse, and dehydrate in the oven at a low temperature.

Recipes for Properly Preparing

The WAPF has a great selection of recipes showcasing how to properly prepare plant foods, and Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon is a staple cookbook full of classic dishes prepared traditionally.

Additionally, you can make easy changes to your daily diet by searching for fermented grain recipes and switching to sourdough bread.

Are you making changes to how you prepare grains, beans, nuts and seeds? Let us know by tagging us on Instagram or Facebook.