Farm Tours: Come Visit Us!


Farm tours are a time to hear the story of our organic family farm and grass-feeding practices, meet the cows, ask questions, fellowship with like-minded people, and enjoy a walk through our pastures in the sunshine.

Our farm tours are a family-friendly event, and one of our favorite ways to interact with the local community.


Lush pasture, happy cows.

Our family farm in Emmett has lush pasture and happy cows. Come see the organic, grass-fed difference!

One of the best parts of farm tours is hearing everyone’s story — how they became interested in organics, grass fed beef, and supporting local and sustainable agriculture. Everyone has a unique story, and many are on a path of healing themselves and their families with good food. We can’t wait to meet you!


We hold farm tours monthly, usually (but not always!) every second Saturday starting at 10 am. We walk the pasture and tell about our practices and experiences, answering questions for about an hour, then visit in our yard with refreshments.

Next Farm Tour: TBD

Please RSVP: email us at, or call/text our farm phone at (208) 254-1108.

We will have beef available in July! Individual cuts to bulk options. Let us know if you would like to reserve yours now.