Provider Spotlight: Kellen Pickard, L.Ac.

Tell us about your practice. What services do you provide? How long have you been in practice? Why did you choose this path?

  I am a licensed acupuncturist providing acupuncture, acupuncture with electrical stimulation, fire cupping, moxa, nutritional guidance, herbal consult, and lifestyle advice.

I have been in practice for 14 years.  I chose this path based on the philosophy of Eastern Medicine.

I’ve always been drawn to health, wellness, natural cures, and prevention but didn’t find a comfortable fit in the Western medical model. When I discovered acupuncture school by chance, I was immediately intrigued and realized it was exactly what I had been looking for. 

How is your practice and clinic different from standard offerings? What are your guiding principles or philosophies?

My practice stands out by offering one-on-one sessions lasting an hour to an hour and a half.

I take a deep dive into past and current health concerns and assess body systems. 

My guiding principles are rooted in the philosophy of Eastern Medicine—treating the whole person, not just symptoms.

I focus on finding the root cause of imbalances, promoting natural healing, and supporting the body's ability to restore itself.

Each treatment is personalized, integrating acupuncture, lifestyle guidance, and holistic wellness to achieve lasting health and balance.  

If you could give one or two pieces of advice to the everyday, health-conscious person (our audience), what is something that they can do on their own to improve their health?

Eat Real, Whole Foods – Choose foods that are natural, unprocessed, and free of toxins. If you consume something daily—whether it’s food, drink, or skincare—ensure it’s clean and nourishing for your body.

Prioritize Sleep & Manage Stress – Quality sleep is essential for healing and overall health. Create a restful nighttime routine and find healthy ways to manage stress, such as meditation, deep breathing, or movement, to support balance and well-being.

Are you taking on new clients / patients?

  Yes! I am currently accepting new patients. I work out of my home Monday through Friday and would love the opportunity to support anyone from our community on their health journey.  

Learn more about Kellen and her services at her website!

All About WHEY

by Courtney Meyerhofer

Have you ever eaten curds and whey?

Whey is a component of milk that separates during the cheese-making process. Once milk is curdled and strained, whey is the fluid leftover from that process.

Liquid whey has a mild tangy flavor and a clear light yellow color.

Whey is commonly converted into whey protein powder and sold as a supplement.

You can use the power of whey to boost the protein and add flavor in your everyday dishes. Here’s how.

How to Use Whey

  • Whey can be substituted for water in many bread recipes to give it extra protein and a richer flavor.

  • Whey is an excellent meat tenderizer. Soak a roast or pork chops in whey for a few hours before cooking.

  • You can use whey as a braising liquid for soups, stews, and roasts.

  • Use whey as the cooking liquid in rice or pasta to add extra protein to your dish!

  • Whey is an essential ingredient in making ricotta cheese.

  • You can use whey as a buttermilk substitute!

how to make whey

The easiest and fastest way to make whey is to make cottage cheese.

Follow instructions here to make your own cottage cheese and whey from fresh milk.

We have whey for sale! Contact us at or text us at (208) 254-1108.

2024: A Year in Review

Happy New Year!

2024 was an eventful, memorable year for us.

Here’s what made the highlight reel:

Nala, one of our best milk cows.

We continued all year with the Raw Milk Co-op. We have a great group of folks. We are so thankful for all of you!

We welcomed a new grandbaby this year. Baby Samantha is Heather and Aaron’s daughter. She’s beautiful and they’re doing so well.

Jonathan was home for the Spring. We loved his company and were grateful for his help.

Peter hired three 15 year-olds in the summer. It was fun and we got a lot of work done!

Peter gave a talk on pastures at the 3 Sisters Greenhouse.

We had monthly farm tours in the summer that were attended by the most interesting groups.

Smoky sunset in August

The late summer / early fall was particularly smoky. The smoke affected people, animals, and the grass growth.

Claire finished working as farm manager in August and married at the end of September. She lives in Fruitland now.

We are so grateful to Claire’s lifetime of working with us!

Peter is now acting as the interim farm manager.

We sold out of beef in November! Stay tuned because we’ll have more.

JJ is home for Christmas. All is well.

Thank you, dear reader, for supporting our family farm and for a great year.

Blessings to you in 2025!

Cloud Seeding in Idaho: What You Need to Know

by Courtney Meyerhofer

Did you know Idaho has a cloud seeding program?

Idaho’s Department of Water Resources (IDWR) has a cloud seeding program that is operational November 1st to April 30th annually.

What is it?

Cloud seeding is a weather modification protocol that changes how a cloud forms and precipitates. The goal of cloud seeding is to increase annual rain and snowfall.

What does cloud seeding do?

The IDWR’s monitoring show that the cloud seeding program has on average increased rain and snowfall by 10%.

image by Idaho Power Company

The IDWR’s cloud seeding program involves spraying an “inert” silver iodide (AgI) into the atmosphere. Silver iodide is chosen because it has a hexagonal shape similar to ice and it serves as a surface where snowflakes form inside the cloud.

In this way, cloud seeding mimicks a naturally occuring process — that is, water freezing and growing into a snowflake on a dust particle. Only, instead of naturally occurring atmospheric dust, cloud seeding augments nature by providing silver iodide.

What are the risks to cloud seeding?

From the Wikipedia page on cloud seeding:

With an NFPA 704 health hazard rating of 2, silver iodide can cause temporary incapacitation or possible residual injury to humans and other mammals with intense or chronic exposure. But several detailed ecological studies have shown negligible environmental and health impacts.[19][20][21].

The toxicity of silver and silver compounds (from silver iodide) was shown to be of low order in some studies.

These findings likely result from the minute amounts of silver generated by cloud seeding, which are about one percent of industry emissions into the atmosphere in many parts of the world, or individual exposure from tooth fillings.
— Wikipedia's page on Cloud Seeding

This excerpt from Wikipedia highlights how the use of silver iodide, while generally recognized as safe, is mostly unknown.

This is one of the many unknowns in the cloud seeding program:

  • how much silver iodide is released each year?

  • how effective is it and how do we know it’s effective?

  • how might silver iodide affect wildlife habitats and soil quality?

  • how is this program being monitored for human health effects?

Cloud Seeding Program Administration

Idaho’s cloud seeding program is funded by participating counties and was authorized by Idaho House Bill 266 in 2021.

Closing thoughts

For the potential benefits of additional precipitation, spraying a substance (AgI) that may cause health issues or environmental degrade without the public’s informed consent is at best risky.

There is also difficulty admitted among climate scientists in assessing how well cloud seeding works. It’s not straightforward to see if a cloud that’s seeded will actually produce more than expected. This means it’s challenging to meaningfully measure how well a cloud seeding program is performing aside from comparing annual precipitation in treated zones from year to year.

The issue of cloud seeding shows how our local state representatives, legislators, and decision-makers have an undeniable impact on our health and environment. Yet the modern media would lead you to believe that the Presidential election is the most important event of every 4 year cycle.

If you’d like to get in contact with your legislator, you can find who applies to y our zip code at the Idaho Govt website here.


Cloud Seeding Fact Sheet

Idaho Power’s Cloud Seeding FAQ

Idaho Power’s Cloud Seeding Overview

Small Business Saturday on Nov. 30

Small Business Saturday is upon us!

Small Business Saturday is on Saturday, November 30. This is a time to support our local community by spending dollars locally.

Big box stores take a bigger share of our dollars than ever. This comes at a cost — namely, small businesses struggle to keep the lights on and our food network is more fragile than ever.

An easy way to shop locally for the remainder of 2024 is to do your holiday shopping locally!

3 Reasons to Participate in Small Business Saturday

  1. Research shows spending dollars locally keeps those dollars local for an average of 7 additional transactions. In contrast, spending the same dollars at a multinational company immediately removes those dollars from the local community.

  2. Local businesses, especially agriculture and food business keeps our food infrastructure stable and secure.

  3. Build relationships and tell small business owners what matters to you. For small businesses that are food producers, tell them that organic and free range are important to you. Get to know them and their farming practices.

We are currently sold out of beef. Call or email to get on the waitlist!

Beef and Pumpkin Panang Thai Curry

by Courtney Meyerhofer

I went through a phase where I was obsessed with Thai food. Coconut-milk based curries with kabocha squash or pumpkin were my jam.

This recipe was like a trip down memory lane. The rich curry, the creamy pumpkin, the hearty local beef…this one hits the spot!

This recipe was modified from a Cook’s Illustrated volume.


  • 2 Tbsp lard, tallow, or cooking oil

  • 2-3 lbs Saint John’s organic grass fed beef sirloin

  • 2 - 4 Tbsp thai red curry paste

  • 1 15 oz can coconut milk

  • 2 tsp sugar

  • 2 Tbsp fish sauce

  • 3 cups peeled and cubed pumpkin, cubed into 1-2 inch cubes

  • 5-7 kaffir lime leaves or zest of 1 lemon and 1 lime

  • extra salt to taste

  • chopped peanuts


Several hours, up to 24, before it’s time to cook, slice the meat into thin strips and salt and pepper generously. Cover and refrigerate.

Remove meat from refrigerator 30 minutes before beginning to cook.

Heat a skillet on medium-high heat. You want it really hot to get a good sear on the beef.

Add cooking fat of choice and get it smoking hot.

Add 1/2 of meat slices to pan, less if you’re using a smaller pan. You don’t want to crowd the pan because that will steam and not sear the meat.

Once the meat is nicely browned, after 3-5 minutes, transfer meat to large bowl to rest.

Turn heat down to medium and add curry paste. Cook and stir for 3 - 5 minutes, until the paste is a deep brick red.

Add coconut milk, sugar, and fish sauce. Stir to combine. Taste to see if you need to add salt or more curry paste depending on your preference. I ended up adding 1 tsp salt and 2 additional Tbsp of curry paste.

Add pumpkin and bring to simmer.

Add meat and continue to simmer for 10 - 15 minutes, until meat and pumpkin are done.

Once meat and pumpkin are done, add kaffir lime leaves or lemon and lime zest. Simmer for 1 - 2 minutes and then serve!

Serve with rice and garnished with chopped peanuts if desired!

Does Having Your Own Cow Save You Money?

by Claire Dill

What do you spend every week on dairy products?

Milk, cheese, butter, cream, yogurt, ice cream, etc... A lot of people average $25/week on dairy.

Our family uses a lot of dairy, so our number would be way higher, but I'm going to try to run some average numbers here.

For your own cow, here are some things and numbers to consider, than I'll run all the numbers at the end.

Start up costs 

Fencing (before you get your cow!!!):

For a very simple basic small enclosure, you could probably get a decent set-up for about $300, with an electric fencer, hot wire, tposts, and insulators.

Barn or shed:

Depending on where you live, you may need or want a barn or shed for the cow to get out of the weather during cold, hot or super wet seasons, and also for you for a dry place to do the milking. Lots of factors here, but $1000 ought to get you a simple dry place for a start, even one wall and a roof will help a lot, unless you get extreme cold for long periods of the winter. And a headlocking stanchion, or a narrow alley to use as a chute, is very handy.

Milking supplies:

If you handmilk, into a bowl or bucket that you already have, and use coffee filters or cheesecloth for straining, and rags and soapy water for cleaning her teats, this can be very economical. If you want to use paper towels and iodine and plastic gloves and industrial filters, these costs climb. Single unit milking machines look to range from $300 - $1500,  but you could probably get a pretty good one for $500, and unless you want to handmilk, the investment is usually worth it. A kick bar (applied judiciously during milking to shut down most kicking action), is a very worthwhile expenditure to have as an option, around $25.

The cow:

These days, prices range from $1000 - $5000. A young or middle-aged cow, who has had babies and been milked already, is gentle and socialized, halter broken, all four teats in working order, healthy and sound, bred back for the next baby, in milk or close to freshening, is organic, is A2A2, is used to eating grass and has genetics bred to thrive on grass (will save a lot of feed costs, if you have pasture available and she can thrive while utilizing the grass), etc, will cost a lot more than a first calf heifer or an old cow, unproven or wild or ornery, one or more teats malfunctioning, chronic mastitis, having hoof or eye or other health problems, not breeding back or staying bred, etc., etc. For the sake of the average, I'll calculate with a $3000 cow, but know that depending on where you live and what characteristics you prioritize, it could be very worth spending more.

Startup costs total: Ballpark $4800. Divide by 8 years (average cow lifespan), $600 a year, equaling about $11.50 a week.      

Up keep


For a fullsize cow, we feed about 40 pounds of hay a day, 6 months out of the year. If you have grass available, you may need less hay. But I'll run with this number, because its a pretty solid average. Hay considerations are grass vs alfalfa, small bales vs large bales (do you have a tractor to move 600 -1000 pound bales?), organic hay or not... An average number of about 10 dollars for a small bale is what I'm figuring, and an 80 pound bale. So, 15 bales a month, 6 months a year, would be $900 for hay.


We don't feed grain, on our farm, but a lot of people figure 3 pounds of grain for every gallon of milk the cow gives. If you choose to feed grain, it will probably be a ballpark of $1200 for the year. (Our Brown Swiss have been eating grass and hay only for generations now, and give 4-10 gallons per milking at their peak. But mini cows will give a lot less, cows used to grain will typically give much less milk and lose body condition if they don't continue to receive grain, and factoring in the grain history and production expectation is important.)  

If you have grass, you may need to spend more on fencing to be able to safely access the grass. Also, irrigation could be a factor.


There are hooftrimmers who will come to you to trim your cow's feet. Some cows need trims a lot less frequently than others, but I would plan 2 trims a year, at $50 each.
Veterinary visits are hard to predict. The farm call is around $75, and then labor and products are charged in addition. If you like researching health care and home care, or have neighbors or people in your circle to help you, many years you won't need any veterinary assistance, but it is a lot safer to budget for a couple of visits a year, because they add up fast when you need them. I would plan for two visits a year, at $100 each, for a safety net.

Bull options for next year's calf:

You can take your cow to a bull, if you have a trailer. Paying a stud fee will vary widely on the breed you choose, the regsitered status, and whether you know the owners or not... but I would plan on $100 for a stud fee, and it may take multiple trips to get her settled. You could hire a bull to come to your place, but that is not my personal recommendation! The risk there is higher than I would want to gamble with. A.I. (Artificial Insemination) is a pretty good way to go for one cow, you can choose from a wide variety of really nice bulls all over the country, the straws of semen cost $25 -$40 each, and A.I. techs will come to you for $40 or $50 a trip, but it may take several trips to get the cow settled. With one cow its harder to know when she comes into heat, and while A.I. can work well, it often takes a few tries. You can buy hormone regulators to bring her into heat on your schedule, but that costs more... Planning $200 to get her bred would be my number.

$2600 for upkeep for the year with these numbers would be $50 a week.

Other considerations:

Having your own milk, knowing what goes into the milk, having it fresh every day, the homesteading feel, cows can be nice and friendly and good pets as well as working animals, you can sell the calves or raise them and eat them, you can sell extra milk or feed pigs or chickens or other pets, you can use the manure as fertilizer for your garden, you can send the cow for beef when she gets to the end of her life... those are all pretty good on the one side. However, the injury risk with a large animal is not negligible, the schedule limitations and hassle of milking every day (even if you milk once a day, instead of twice a day, you either don't travel as a family, or you have to find someone trustworthy to milk for you every day that you want to be gone when she is in milk), she will need to dry off and rest from milk production for a couple of months before calving again so you'll need to freeze milk or get another cow or find another milk source, there are definite potential liabilities if she gets out on the road and causes an accident or damages property at the neighbours, major financial loss if she dies suddenly, maintenance costs for months or a year with no milk if she gets hurt/goes dry/doesn't breed back quickly/breaks a lot of fences...

So, with these average numbers, $61.50 a week for a milk cow seems a pretty safe budget.

There is always room for altering numbers, and you can probably bring the cost down drastically many years, but there is also always the possibility of having to replace your cow a month after acquiring her, and all of the variables that come with life.

Hopefully this will have been an interesting read, and helpful to understand some of what goes on behind the scenes.   

The Importance of Touch for Humans and Animals

by Claire Dill

Healthy loving physical touch and contact is a pretty important part of life.

There have been studies and articles about humans needing physical contact, babies and grownups both, and it makes sense because humans were made to be in community.

Hermits and recluses are extremely unordinary in humanity. Historically, a hermit or recluse was either called by God to make that sacrifice and to live alone in prayer, or was mentally unstable and a social outcast.

Humans are designed to be together. Even hardcore introverts are very lonely if they don't have their small group of close friends available.

For human babies, being held and snuggled makes a huge difference in their emotional state and their physical health, day by day and also for the rest of their lives. Particularly snuggles from the mother, or main caregiver.

Babies with plenty of healthy touch have much more interest in life, self regulate as babies and children much better, and have good trust mechanisms and bonding in relationships. Healthy touch has been shown to improve the baby's immune system, and helps with pain management and pain reduction.

Human adults don't grow out of the need for physical contact.

Have you noticed how people almost always light up when a friend gives a hug? Or the aura of determination and joy when someone slaps a shoulder in recognition or praise; or the encouragement when someone lays a hand on the shoulder of someone grieving, and simply squeezes for a few seconds, with no words?

I think about this a lot when I'm feeding bottle calves. Especially the ones that have tight tendons and can't stand for a few days until their legs loosen up.

Cows are herd animals, they are also "designed to be in community". So it makes sense that they also need touch to thrive.

A mama cow dries her baby off by licking it, immediately after birth. And cows spend considerable time with their babies, and with their friends, not only playing and grazing together, but also licking and grooming each other. Nearly every time after a calf nurses, when it is full, it will meander up to its mama's head and get some grooming and attention. The calf will sometimes play at butting heads with its mama, and run in crazy play circles, but nearly always will settle in for at least a few minutes of stretching and relaxing while the mama licks its neck and sides. Often, mama cow will also be reaching around and licking her baby while it nurses, as well.

So, I try to pet and play with a bottle calf, at least once or twice a day, extra and beyond whatever handling is necessary for feeding the bottle, especially if it's the only calf in the pen, to simulate a little of the physical contact it would have with the herd.

When we get a second calf in the pen, or a nurse mama, then my need to fill that job goes away.

But in particular, I have noticed with a sick calf, or one who can't stand at first, that if I give a few minutes of extra attention, rubbing my hands on their head and neck and sides several times a day, they respond pretty drastically with improved interest in life, bonding, ability to nurse from the bottle, and relaxing their tight muscles and not worrying about things so much.