Saint John’s cows grazing on organic pasture.
by Courtney Meyerhofer
We’ve all heard eating organic is healthier, but with rising food prices and widespread inflation, is the extra cost really worth it?
I generally think so, and here’s why.
Eating organic exposes you to fewer pesticides.
Because USDA certified organic isn’t sprayed with synthetic pesticides, organic food has fewer ways for you to be exposed.
2. Organic food has more nutrients and minerals.
Organic food is grown from healthier soil. This means that the plant has more access to nutrients, thus increasing the nutrition in the end product! There’s a lot of data showing that organic is higher in nutrients, lower in toxic load, and provides a measurable difference in human health.
3. Children who eat organic have fewer metabolic and liver disorders in adulthood.
Glyphosate exposure in early childhood is directly linked to liver and metabolic disorders in adulthood. We invest in the future generations when we feed kids organic.
4. Glyphosate is a public health hazard.
Glyphosate is one of the active ingredients in the herbicide RoundUp. Glyphosate is known to cause gut problems, mitochondrial damage, neuroinflammation, and oxidative stress. This may not seem like a huge issue, but the truth is that the mitochondrial and gut are the absolute foundations for energy in the body. When they are compromised, every other bodily process is, too.
5. Glyphosate drops 70% after six days on an organic diet.
This study showed that within six days of eating a 100% organic diet, participants saw 70% lower levels of glyphosate in their bodies. This is a significant change and shows the power of supporting our bodies with nutritious food. The body heals itself when well-supported.
6. Organic eaters have less inflammation.
Consuming foods with fewer nutrients and minerals, grown out of season, and sprayed with pesticides is hard on our bodies. Processing this through our guts causes inflammation that affects every other part of our health.
7. Eating organic lowers cancer risk.
Cancer is one of the top killers in our nation, and every generation has increasing cancer risk. Eating organic is shown to reduce cancer risk.