Nala, one of our Brown Swiss mamas, taking an autumn stroll.
It’s November 2021. This is Claire writing.
October on Saint John’s Organic Farm brought the usual autumn changes, as well as some unexpected things and things new to our family.
We finished calving early this year, in September instead of November, so all the calves are putting on thick winter coats and are big and well set to go into winter. Some of the animals are saying it’s going to be a long winter, so it’s nice to have the calves already a couple months old.
Lots of fall color, the sumac trees were especially bright, and even though we had a few days of frost, Indian Summer has been lingering, and there are still raspberries (a fall-bearing variety) good to pick off the canes.
Our irrigation pump quit the first of October, so instead of being able to water all the fields generously one more time before the irrigation ditch is turned off on October 15, we are going into winter feeling a little dry. But thankfully, we were given 5 days of good rain last weekend, and the fields are doing their best to grow some more grass for winter feed.
Aaron is taking a break from the farm. He is starting security work in Boise.
Strider and Ginger grazing.
And while October has been good, it will be interesting to see what November brings!