Organic Garden Planning: Sharing Our Favorite Resources
Spring is right around the corner, and now is the time to plan your home garden!
Tending a garden is beneficial for mind, body, and spirit. Nurturing your environment, nurturing your body, and spending time outdoors are all side effects of gardening.
With rising food prices, gardening can help many people decrease their reliance on grocery stores and have incredibly fresh food.
Keeping a garden encourage the gardeners to be outside! Sunlight exposure and grounding to the Earth (via barefoot gardening) have significant impacts on our circadian and mitochondrial health.
Why Organic Matters
When planning your garden, choose organic seeds. Organic seeds are produced from organic certified farmers and tend to produce a more robust crop.
According to High Mowing Seeds, seeds produced organically are more likely to be successful in backyard organic gardens. Reputable organic growers test their crops for disease resistance, abundant yields, and exceptional flavor.
Conventionally grown seeds may have been genetically modified or treated with pesticides and herbicides like glyphosate, known to cause a variety of biological problems in the human body.
When to Start Seeds
For Emmett, our last frost is approximately May 7.
Depending on what you want to grow, the Farmer’s Almanac has a guide for when to start seedlings, when to transfer those seedlings outdoors, and when to sow seeds directly outdoors based on your location.
This is a great tool for creating your custom garden plan!
Where to Get Seeds
Organic Garden Guides
If you create a garden this year, tag us on Facebook or Instagram with pictures of your seeds, seedlings, or garden!