Farm News June 2021

Summer is nearly here!

Spring for us was long, with very little rain and lots of temperature fluctuation, both of which slowed our pasture growth significantly. Fortunately we were able to buy a load of organic hay from Kings Crown Organics to hold over the cows until the irrigation started and the grass could grow and catch up. But now the pastures are looking really good. I love it when cows are belly deep in fresh pasture!


We had our fourth ever C-section in the history of our farm last week. Small mama cow, and a big baby boy. Claire was watching her through Saturday evening and brought in Mama and Jonathan to help assist with the birth, and then made the call at 11pm to bring in the vet. Dr Dan from the Animal Medical Center here in Emmett does a phenomenal job.  It was a long night with a lot of work! But both mama and baby are alive and well.

Dr Dan did the last C-section here four years ago on our cow Holly, and two weeks ago she delivered her third healthy calf since then.

6.8.21 book photo.jpg

We’re planning a book signing here on the farm for our friend Grace Olmsted who just wrote “Uprooted,” a book about farming in the Emmett Valley. Her grandparents and great grandparents farmed here, and this is their story along with the stories of many other farming families in our area. She met with us several times and our family and farm feature prominently in several chapters. I particularly enjoy her description of our farm “A group of Brown Swiss cattle stand together in a sprawling pasture, feasting on grass…..The sound of their satisfied munching and crunching fills the air, while swallows dance overhead in a dizzying profusion……these cattle are a symbol of full scale agricultural revolt.”

Come see us on Wednesday, June 16th at 6:30pm to get your copy signed! Here’s the facebook event page. Book Signing

Aaron’s book “Share the Gift” will also be available. It’s a collection of notes and stories from his adventures and training over the last 10 years, along with the philosophy of health and farming we hold here. He wrote and illustrated by hand.


We’ve been moving chicken and cow manure into a compost pile, it should be garden gold in short order. It’s amazing how quickly it heats up and starts breaking down the nutrients into a form that is usable to plants. We piled it up and mixed it together, while sprinkling water in to make sure the compost had enough moisture. By the next day it was too hot to put your hand into the pile. So we used the tractor to turn it and add some wood chips to increase the airflow.  It may be available by the five gallon bucket to spice up your garden, stay tuned…..


The raw milk coop idea continues to move forward. Please go to our survey page for more information and let us know if you are interested!


Aaron and Heather and Jonathan ran a Murph workout on Memorial Day with several of our friends, followed by a cold plunge in the Payette River and brunch together. Then as soon as the cows were fed for the day it was time for long naps. We hope you had a lovely time with family, and could take a minute to reflect on the sacrifices of those who went before us to protect and preserve the liberties we enjoy today.



Grass Fed Beef Brisket Recipe: Beef Barbacoa Tacos

Beef barbacoa taco.

Beef barbacoa taco.

It’s never a bad time to make tacos. This beef barbacoa recipe is definitely Tex-Mex and full of earthy, pepper flavor. The lime juice pairs beautifully with the chiles in the barbacoa sauce. This preparation is flavorful and kid-friendly as it’s not very spicy. It’s easy to crank up the heat with the right toppings for those that prefer the spice!

This recipe makes use of a slow cooker, though it could be easily adapted for the Instant Pot or oven. Enjoy!

Inspired by Recipe Tin Eats. Our version is similar, but makes several deviations.


  • 2 dried whole chiles, soaked in 4 cups warm water for 30 minutes

  • ¾ cup reserved chile water

  • ½ cup apple cider vinegar

  • 4 tbsp lime juice

  • 6 garlic cloves

  • 4 tsp  ground cumin

  • 4 tsp oregano

  • ½ tsp ground cloves

  • 1 Saint John’s organic grass fed brisket

  • Oil or fat suitable for high heat, avocado oil, tallow, or lard

  • Salt and pepper


  1. To make the barbacoa sauce, soak the dried whole chiles in warm water for 30 minutes. Reserve ¾ cup of the chile water. Chop off the tops of the chiles and add all ingredients through ground cloves to a blender. Blend until smooth.

Barbacoa sauce, after being blended.

Barbacoa sauce, after being blended.

2. Cut brisket into large chunks, about 12-15 total. Salt and pepper the meat.

3. Heat a heavy bottomed skillet over medium-high heat and add oil or fat of choice. When very hot, add the brisket and sear all sides 1-2 minutes each side. It’s best to work in batches to not crowd the pan.

Brisket being seared in bottom of pan.

Brisket being seared in bottom of pan.

Brisket in slow cooker, drenched in barbacoa sauce.

4. Add meat to slow cooker. Cover and toss with barbacoa sauce. Cook on low 6-8 hours.

Brisket in slow cooker, drenched in barbacoa sauce.

Brisket in slow cooker, drenched in barbacoa sauce.

5. When meat is cooked well and fork tender, shred with two forks and serve!

Topped with a big scoop of sour cream -- can’t go wrong with that!

Topped with a big scoop of sour cream -- can’t go wrong with that!


We enjoyed this as tacos, but you could do burritos, burrito bowls, as a salad meat, or on top of a buttered baked potato.

For tacos, we liked:

  • Corn tortillas

  • Sour cream

  • Pickled jalapenos

  • Salsa

  • Cilantro 

  • Lime juice

Kid friendly!

Kid friendly!

Enjoy this succulent beef barbacoa dish! If you try this recipe, let us know by tagging us on Instagram or Facebook.

Benefits Of Soy And Corn-Free Beef: The Unintended Health Effects

There are many benefits to consuming beef that is organic and 100% grass fed and grass finished. What may be surprising are the specific benefits of eating beef (and other meats and eggs) that are soy and corn free.

Soy and corn are commonly fed to animals in the United States and throughout the industrialized world. This is not because soy and corn are ideal foods for livestock but rather because soy and corn are cheap and easy to grow, subsidized by governments (U.S. included), and these foods cause the animal to reach market weight more quickly than grass fed livestock.

Unfortunately, the rampant use of soy and corn in animal feed has a cost to the environment and to our health.

Problems with Corn and Soy

Sweet, red clover in our pasture.

Sweet, red clover in our pasture.

Most corn and soy is genetically modified and heavily sprayed with the toxic herbicide glyphosate (RoundUp). When an animal consumes glyphosate, glyphosate builds up in the connective tissues, muscles, and joints of the animal. The problem with the presence of glyphosate in meats we eat is that our bodies will accept glyphosate in our connective tissues and joints because it is chemically similar to the amino acid glycine.

Because supermarket foods are laden with glyphosate (non-organic wheat may be the biggest culprit), the average American’s constant exposure to glyphosate is connected to several adverse health outcomes, including mineral deficiencies, gut dysbiosis (“leaky gut”), reduced neurotransmitter production (contributes to mental health disease like depression and anxiety), and a disruption of detoxification pathways that can lead to metal toxicity or even cancer.

A 2019 study of 1000 corn samples from 5 continents determined that 92% were contaminated with mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are fungal poisons that can cause a myriad of health issues, including breathing problems, lung inflammation, fever, and more serious long term conditions like cancer, fibromyalgia, heart problems, and lupus. The key is to avoid corn feed for animals because what the animal eats will be present in the meat of the animal upon consumption.

Saint John’s moms and babies enjoying green pasture.

Saint John’s moms and babies enjoying green pasture.

In the U.S., 99% of cows are raised in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). This is done with a disregard for meat quality, health of our nation, and care for our environment. CAFOs are used because it’s low cost production, and these cows are frequently fed soy, corn, and wheat, and lived in cramped and unnatural settings. Lack of adequate nutrition causes animals to be more prone to disease and routine antibiotics are administered for disease prevention. These antibiotics are present in the meat of the cow and are ultimately transferred to the consumer. Yet another reason to choose organic, grass fed and grass finished.

The cheap and subsidized soybean has become so commonly used for animal and human food that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to avoid soy. Check your food labels at the supermarket and you will find soybean oil or other soy products in an abundance of packaged foods.

Soy contains phytoestrogens, estrogen-mimicking compounds that are present in the meat, milk, and eggs of animals that eat soy feed. When we consume phytoestrogens, our bodies can interpret this as the hormone estrogen. This may be a cause for low sperm counts in the developed world and the absolute nosedive testosterone levels have taken in the last 50 years.

Since in America we tend to eat animal foods every day, the load of toxins from supermarket meat, eggs and dairy products can be very high and the effects profound, especially in growing children.
The solution? Purchase your meat, eggs and dairy products directly from a local farmer, one who practices pasture feeding and who uses non-medicated feed (preferably soy-free). In the process of protecting your family, you will also be supporting independent, conscientious farmers and a robust local economy.
— Sally Fallon, Why You Should Purchase Meat, Eggs, and Dairy Directly From a Farmer You Know, Nourishing Traditions blog
Dandelions are a nutrient-dense favorite for our cows.

Dandelions are a nutrient-dense favorite for our cows.

Quality of Beef

Ultimately, feeding cattle soy and corn doesn’t serve human health, bovine health, or the health of the environment. It does line the pockets of a few corporations. Soy and corn feed the cow but it doesn’t compare to the nutrition provided by grass fed beef.

Compared to conventional grain fed (soy and corn fed) beef, organic grass fed beef is:

  • 10X higher in vitamin A

  • 3X higher in vitamin E

  • Substantially higher in calcium, magnesium, potassium, & B vitamins

  • Lower in cholesterol

  • An abundant source of anti-cancer conjugated linoleic acid

  • Free of GMOS

  • Free of synthetic fertilizers

  • Free of hormones and antibiotics

  • Free of glyphosate and other pesticides or herbicides

From our perspective, prioritizing the quality of the beef and stewardship of the land means that we feed our cows organic grasses in well-tended pastures. We grow organic hay for the winter when grass growth stalls. As providers for people and as caretakers of the earth, we seek what is best for you and the world we inhabit, and will continue to offer a vision of sustainable agriculture for future generations.

Our organic, grass fed and grass finished beef is free of glyphosate, mycotoxins, and is good for the environment and your health. Choose organic and choose corn and soy free animal products everywhere you can. Healthy, strong families are the building blocks of our society and nation. Talk to your farmer, and know where your food comes from!


Of 1000 corn samples, 92% had mycotoxins

Why You Should Purchase Meat, Eggs, and Dairy Directly From a Farmer You Know

Soy and Phytoestrogens: Possible Side Effects

Soy food and isoflavone intake in relation to semen quality

Is Grass Fed Beef Tough? (Or Tender?)

Massive Saint John’s steaks cooking over hot coals.

Massive Saint John’s steaks cooking over hot coals.

A common misconception about grass fed beef is that it’s tough and difficult to cook. The truth is that it needs to be handled differently that conventionally raised, grain fed beef. It can become tough if overcooked (similar to most meats), and it is tender when cooked properly.

The quality and composition of grass and grain fed beef is starkly different, and this difference translates into different needs for cooking a delicious meal.

In regards to cooking grass fed beef, a favorite phrase of Aaron is “I spent 2 years growing this, you can ruin it in 2 minutes.” Overcooking grass fed beef by 2 minutes can surely render a tough and chewy steak. Here are tried and true cooking tips and guidelines from the Dill family, who’ve been cooking grass fed beef for decades.

Tip #1: Cook roasts low and slow

Slow cooker chuck roast from our recipes page.

Slow cooker chuck roast from our recipes page.

The primary rule for avoiding tough cooked meat is to avoid overcooking, but some may not know that undercooking roasts can cause them to be as tough as an overcooked steak.

When cooking a roast low and slow, we recommend a slow cooker on the “Low” setting for at least 8-10 hours. At about 8 hours, check the roast to see if it flakes easily with a fork. If it flakes, it’s done! If not, keep cooking on “Low” and check again every 30-60 minutes.

Tip #2: Invest in tools

A digital meat thermometer is an affordable way to level up your cooking. By using a meat thermometer, you can quickly check the temperature of your meat to cook it to the level of doneness you prefer.

A heavy-bottomed skillet like a cast iron, copper, or stainless steel pan will hold and disperse heat well, ensuring an even cooking to your meat on all sides. As the weather warms up in Spring and Summer, having an outdoor grill with a full propane tank will be essential to prevent the house from overheating when cooking dinner.

Lastly, a slow cooker or Instant Pot can make cooking easier because you are able to “set it and forget it”. The slow cooker and Instant Pot are ideal for cooking roasts or stew meat, and, when you use the low and slow method, you’re guaranteed to get a delicious, tender plate of beef.

Tip #3: Reduce cook time for steaks

Steak kebabs on the grill.

Steak kebabs on the grill.

The grill or hot skillet is the cooking method to watch cook time carefully and check the temperature of the meat often to avoid overcooking.

Put the meat on the grill or stove at a high heat for a brief time to seal in the juices, then turn the heat down.Take the meat off the grill or stove a little before you think it is ready, because the heat in the meat will keep it cooking.

Plan to cook steaks 1/2 or 2/3 the time of conventional grain fed beef, then check to see if it is done to your liking by checking the temperature. You can always cook it more.

Tip #4: Ground beef is bulletproof

When in doubt, or if you’re looking for something simple, easy, and “bulletproof”, we highly recommend our organic, grass fed ground beef. With ground beef, you get all the health benefits of grass fed beef with the ease of using your tried and true recipes without fear of having a tough outcome.

With grilling season soon upon us, I hope these tips ensure you maximize your enjoyment of our organic, grass fed beef. Tag us on Instagram to show us your grass fed beef dishes!

Grass Fed Beef & Inflammation: Steak Without A Bellyache

Saint John’s cows grazing on fresh Spring pasture.

Saint John’s cows grazing on fresh Spring pasture.

The wise adage “you are what you eat” applies to human health as much as it does to cows. Cows fed a species appropriate, nutrient dense diet will similarly be a rich source of nutrition for our bodies.

There are significant differences in the quality of conventional, grain-fed beef and organic, 100% grass fed beef. Ultimately, these differences in quality amount to differences in our health and the health of our environment.

We’ve written previously about why organic matters, how grass fed beef is beneficial to human health, and how well managed grass fed beef farms can be net positive to the environment. This article focuses on how grass fed beef can lower inflammation and be a huge boon to our health.

Spring is in bloom!

Spring is in bloom!

Why Inflammation Matters

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to protect itself from being harmed. When one cuts one’s finger, the area often becomes warm, red, and slightly swollen or raised due to increased blood flow and white blood cells sent to the affected area. In an acute setting like an injury or brief illness, inflammation is good and healing, our body’s wise response.

Inflammation becomes a problem when it becomes chronic. When one’s body senses constant attack, the body will continuously pump out white blood cells and other chemical messengers that tax the immune system. The body thinks it’s constantly under attack, so it keeps fighting indefinitely. This hyperresponsive state causes healthy tissues and organs to be attacked by white blood cells, causing unnecessary damage for no benefit.

Environmental toxins from pollution and cigarette smoke, having excess body fat, eating inflammatory foods, and sedentary lifestyles are all contributors to chronic inflammation. Ample research has shown that chronic inflammation is linked to heart disease (especially atherosclerosis), cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and bowel diseases like Chron’s disease and IBS.

Saint John’s cows curiously looking at the photographer.

Saint John’s cows curiously looking at the photographer.

Grass Fed vs Grain Fed Beef: Inflammation

A 2012 study compared inflammatory markers and overall health for mice eating a range of foods, including a comparison of grass fed and grain fed beef. The scientists found that the mice eating grass fed meats had the lowest inflammation and overall best health while the mice fed grain fed beef had the highest inflammation. This is a notable find demonstrating the importance of high quality, grass fed beef!

A review of studies on grass-fed beef spanning three decades tabulates statistically significant differences in fatty acid and antioxidant content in comparison to grain fed beef. The findings of the study were numerous; here are some of the highlights.

Grass fed beef contains:

  • Increased conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)

  • Increased omega-3 fatty acids

  • Higher proportion of cholesterol in neutral stearic acid form

  • Less cholesterol-elevating compounds

  • Increased precursors for vitamin A and vitamin E

  • Increased glutathione (cancer-fighting and anti-inflammatory)

The increased CLA and omega-3 fatty acids is significant because these fatty acids are essential to the body’s anti-inflammatory response to inflammation.

The differences between grass and grain fed beef are stark when it comes to inflammation. Our bodies face more inflammatory toxic inputs than ever before, and grass fed beef is part of the solution to inflammation.

Low inflammation is one of many key markers of good health. If you’d like to lower or keep your inflammation low, make the switch to organic, 100% grass fed beef today!


Grass Fed Ground Beef Recipe: Szechuan Beef

Szechuan beef served with steamed rice and asparagus.

Szechuan beef served with steamed rice and asparagus.

This Szechuan beef preparation is a delightfully fragrant and spicy dish that comes together in 30 minutes or less! The garlic, ginger, and chili paste, along with the other ingredients, meld together to create a savory Asian sauce with a pepper-y kick.
The sauce for this recipe is from the blog Feasting At Home.


  • ½ tsp black peppercorns

  • ¼ cup soy sauce

  • 3 Tbsp honey

  • 1 Tbsp sesame oil

  • 1 Tbsp rice wine vinegar

  • 1 Tbsp Chinese cooking wine or mirin (optional)

  • 3 garlic cloves, minced

  • 2 tsp fresh ginger, minced (or ginger paste)

  • 1 Tbsp garlic chili paste (sambal oelek) or substitute 1 tsp chili flakes

  • ½ tsp Chinese Five Spice

  • 3-5 tsp arrowroot powder

  • 1 lb Saint John’s organic, grass fed beef


Preheat a skillet over medium heat. Add peppercorns and toast for 2 minutes, shaking the pan occasionally. Crush with a mortar and pestle.

Crushing peppercorns in mortar and pestle.

Crushing peppercorns in mortar and pestle.

Place all ingredients in a mixing bowl and whisk until well combined, adding the arrowroot powder last. Start with 3 tsp of arrowroot powder and add an additional teaspoon if you prefer the sauce to be thicker.

Whisked Szechuan sauce.

Whisked Szechuan sauce.

Preheat skillet to medium heat. Add ground beef to pan and cook, breaking up pieces with a wooden spoon.

Once beef is cooked, add sauce and turn up heat to medium high, stirring frequently. The higher heat adds a slightly caramelized finish to the dish.

Cooking Szechuan sauce with beef, not quite caramelized yet.

Cooking Szechuan sauce with beef, not quite caramelized yet.

Serve warm with some of the suggestions below!


  • Steamed white or brown rice

  • Steamed asparagus

  • Steamed or stir-fried mixed vegetables

  • Sesame seeds

  • Thinly sliced green onions

  • Garlic chili paste or sriracha

Did you give this recipe a try? Tag us on Instagram to let us know what you think!

Farm News Update April 2021

It’s been a busy month!!

March kicked off with Aaron getting married on the 7th! He and Heather have been dating for a couple years now, enjoying work outs, working on the farm, and adventuring in the mountains and boating on the reservoir.

The wedding was lovely, with bagpipes and Celtic music, dancing, and good food. Aaron and Heather used Aaron’s Scottish basket-hilted broadsword to cut their cake!


Aaron and Heather took off for a week in Moab, Utah for a short honeymoon hiking in Arches National Park. Then back to regular life and spring speeding up on the farm. Heather works as a CT tech at a hospital in Nampa but enjoys coming out to the farm to help with all and sundry projects, Aaron continues to work full time on the farm.


We started calving! We’re up to more than a dozen new babies so far, with plenty more on the way. It is a good calving season, largely due to Claire’s diligence in checking on mamas and babies and working with them before an issue can develop. Most of the time they are fine all by themselves and we (she), can just watch, but once in a while we step in to help guide a baby to where it needs to be to nurse, or to settle a new mama down if she’s unsure about things.

Last year we used a Brown Swiss bull that we raised ourselves to keep the Swiss genetics that we like so much, so these are really sweet friendly little calves. Aaron had one following him up the field last week when he was moving the cows to a new paddock. The mamas all took off for new food, and one little baby was by himself napping in the sunshine. As Aaron walked over to find him, he woke up and instead of panicking and running away, he just stood up and came over to see Aaron and follow him up the field to where his mama was waiting. Happy day. :)

Other new faces on the farm are about 600 baby chicks that arrived last week! We are raising meat birds for Josiah of J-Bar Farms, as some of the only Organic chicken raised in Idaho. He will be marketing these, we are only raising them.

Once the chickens are big enough (about 4 weeks old) they will be in mobile chicken coops in our pastures and moving every day to fresh grass just like our cows. We are really excited to see how adding this new species into our pasture rotation will increase the fertility of the ground and possibly even knock back our already small fly and mosquito population.


Other activities these last few weeks include the normal spring run of projects getting ready for a new season of growing: burning and weed-whacking ditches to prepare for irrigation water that comes in around April 15; harrowing fields to spread out the manure and hay from winter feeding and dethatch the last of the wintered grass; and feeding out the final few bales of hay so the barns and stack areas are all clean and ready for our hay harvest this summer.

We also keep moving beef along to our friends and customers! It hasn’t been the crazy rush we had a year ago, but demand has been steady. It’s so nice to have our inventory all stored here onsite in the new freezer! Call us up and come by to try out our beef or refill your freezer!

Cheers to you and yours! Hope your spring is full of sunshine and fresh air and flowers. It’s getting on toward barbecue weather…….

Instant Pot Beef Bone Broth: Fast and Easy Recipe

Do you want all the benefits of bone broth without warming up your house in the Spring and Summer months? Use your Instant Pot to make health-boosting bone broth without the added heat!


  • 3-5 lb Saint John’s beef bones

  • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar

  • 3-4 quarts filtered water


  1. Place the beef bones, water, and apple cider vinegar in the Instant Pot. Let sit for an hour. This step helps draw the minerals out of the bones.

Apple cider vinegar added to bones and water looks a bit murky.

Apple cider vinegar added to bones and water looks a bit murky.

2. Place the lid on the Instant Pot and set valve to Sealing. Select “Meat/Stew” setting and increase to 300 minutes.

3. When the 300 minutes is up, remove the bones with tongs and strain the broth with a fine mesh strainer.

4. Pour the broth into heat-safe containers (I use glass mason jars for ease) and allow to cool before putting in the fridge.


Bone broth cooling, yellow fat rises to the top.

As the bone broth cools, the fat will rise to the top. The bone broth will keep longer in the fridge with the fat plug on top because it protects the broth from air. You can discard the fat plug or use it with your broth for additional nutrition. I always use the fat with the broth because organic, grass fed beef fat is delicious and full of healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Bone broth cooled.

Bone broth cooled.

I hope you enjoy this bone broth cooking method! If you make our beef bone broth, tag us on Instagram @saintjohnsorganicfarm.

Is Organic Certification Worth It? Yes... But There's More To The Story

Clover in bloom in our pasture.

Clover in bloom in our pasture.

Certified organic products are becoming increasingly available and prioritized in grocery budgets across the nation. Our family farm is certified organic, and it’s a priority for us to produce the highest quality foods for our family and community.

Organic certification requires time, money, and effort to stay up to date with requirements and regulations. Naysayers contend organics are not that different from conventional agriculture, and it’s not worth the price. Others may think organics is the ideal system for growing food.

Here’s our take on being certified organic.

What is organic?

Saint John’s cows eat grass in pasture year round.

Saint John’s cows eat grass in pasture year round.

Organic certified foods are regulated by the USDA and must follow all federal guidelines.

In general, this means that, for a product to be certified organic, it must be free of additives, synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and be non-GMO. For meat to be certified organic, the USDA requires “animals must be raised in living conditions accommodating their natural behaviors (like the ability to graze on pasture), fed 100% organic feed and forage, and not administered antibiotics or hormones.”

Currently, USDA organic is mostly a list of “don’t”s rather than a list of “do”s. This system inherently leaves out critical descriptors in terms of soil quality and how that puts nutrients into our food.

When the organic movement first came to North America, it was centered on the idea of “feed the soil, not the plant”. The focus on soil and microorganism health means that plants will have the nutrition and growing environment to produce optimal food. Modern agriculture has this backwards and is currently steeped in a paradigm of “feed the plant, not the soil”.

By spraying toxicants to kill pests and weeds and administering fertilizers to “feed” the plants, there have been unintended consequences in harm to the life present in the soil. Soil is absolutely teeming with life. Microorganisms, worms, bacteria, and networks of fungi are present and they work together to give life to the seeds we plant.

Unfortunately, liquid “plant food” and toxicants have done significant harm to these lifeforms. The original organics movement sought to change this by putting soil health at the center of the system.

Problems in Organics: Revolving Door of Industry and Regulation

Saint John’s calf, curiously looking at the camera.

Saint John’s calf, curiously looking at the camera.

Organics is not perfect. People and systems are imperfect and require pressure, patience, and time to change.

Over time, there has increasingly been a drive for production of organic foods that can sometimes be at the expense of the nutrient content of the food. However, we know that while producing an adequate amount of food does matter, the quality of our food matters more than production and volume.

An example of the production for quality trade-off in organics is hydroponic and aeroponic systems. These systems create a very high yield for minimal inputs or maintenance. Hydroponically and aeroponically grown plants are not grown in soil but typically in shredded coconut husks and given “organic” fertilizer for the plant’s nutrients. This is the antithesis of the organic mantra “feed the soil, not the plant”, and fundamentally an opposing system to organics. Nevertheless, hydroponic and aeroponic producers are able to label their products as “organic”. You’d be hard-pressed to find an organic tomato, pepper, or berry at the grocery store that isn’t hydroponically grown, but that information isn’t on the food label.

We deserve to know the quality of our food and how it was grown, and these systems are piggy-backing off of the organics movement to make big bucks. One of the most unfortunate consequences of these hydroponic and aeroponic practices is that they are able to produce food so cheaply that they undercut organic farmers that are growing their tomatoes and strawberries in the soil. Real food takes real soil and real work, and this is reflected in the price, the true cost of food.

Ninety-nine percent of meat, milk, and eggs come from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) in the United States. Organics should not be part of this, as the requirements state animals must have access to pasture in order to accommodate their natural behaviors.

There have been several instances of enormous “organic” operations that are using CAFOs and not giving animals access to pasture. Some of this information was leaked by whistleblowers while other instances were reported by investigative journalists. Sometimes, when information on organic farms has been reported to the USDA or media, the infractions don’t come to the attention of the supermarket buyer, the companies get off the hook by paying fines, and little to no change is made to the farm’s practices. Functionally, the farm is “organic” in name only. It’s a far cry from the picture of the happy eating grass on the carton of milk.

A serious consequence of all this is how difficult this makes charging a fair price for quality food. When everything is “organic”, the differences are difficult to distinguish for the unaware consumer. Huge organic farms are able to cut corners and undercut small family farms that are producing food higher in quality.

Real Organic Project: Part of the Solution

The Real Organic Project (ROP) is part of the solution because, rather than fighting within the current bloated system, it creates a new label, certification process, and network that people can trust. The Real Organic Project builds on USDA certified organic by focusing on traditional organic systems with an emphasis on “feed the soil, not the plant”. This focus is of utmost importance because the soil will feed the plant and steward the soil for generations to come.

The ROP standards and network remind us that we are accountable for the soil health, the products we grow, and for our communities.

Take a look at the Real Organic Project difference, with insightful side-by-side photos demonstrating what “real organic” looks like.

Our take on organic certification

Sunrise at Saint John’s Organic Farm.

Sunrise at Saint John’s Organic Farm.

We think USDA organic certification is a needed and necessary first step in ensuring a quality food supply and doing our duty to steward the planet. There are many USDA certified organic farms producing high quality food. Avoiding toxicants and other harmful substances is a big and worthwhile step in the right direction. Unfortunately, certified organic is simply no longer the gold standard of healthy food.

It all comes back to accountability. We are accountable to ourselves, our community, future generations, and to God. If we act with this in our minds and in our hearts, then we can say that we are doing “our part.”

Because we believe in accountability, we are certified organic with USDA and with the Real Organic Project. 

I hope you are encouraged to seek out and support organics, including the Real Organic Project. Connecting with local farmers can be a true joy and eating nutritious, organic food is a pleasure. 

Grass Fed Beef & Acne: Support Your Skin from the Inside Out

Saint John’s mama and baby. Healthy pasture, healthy cows.

Saint John’s mama and baby. Healthy pasture, healthy cows.

People often ask about the connection between what we eat and acne. There is a common myth that beef, dairy, meats, and other foods containing fat are the primary culprits in causes of acne.

If meat consumption contributes to acne, then is grass fed beef any different? Does it really make any difference from a greasy-skin-perspective, if beef is grain fed or grass fed? We absolutely think that there is a difference between grass fed and grain fed beef, as far as skin and overall health are concerned. 

The key to understanding skin health is to remember the health and quality of our skin is downstream from the state of our overall health. Skin is the last organ to receive nutrition. This means that if someone is in a state of malnutrition, their body will ensure that every organ gets nutrition before their skin does.

Our skin health is a reflection of our overall health. Skin and other health issues may signify that we are missing key nutrients, are overtired or overstressed, inflammation is high, or that a hormonal or microbiome issue is at play.

Saint John’s organic pastures. The nutrition starts here.

Saint John’s organic pastures. The nutrition starts here.

Grass Fed Beef & Omega Fatty Acids

The truth is that not all fat is created equally. A greasy feeling can follow the consumption of many foods, but the healthy fat of grass fed beef will help support and heal your skin by providing your body with superb nutrition.

Healthy skin, and really, all aspects of health starts at the cellular level. When we have healthy cells, we can have healthy skin.

Every cell in our body is coated with a cellular membrane. This membrane is responsible for keeping the right nutrients and cellular parts in the cell and keeping unwanted compounds and free radicals out of the cell. The cellular membrane is primarily made of cholesterol and omega-3 fatty acids.

Free radicals in our cells do damage, causing inflammation. Inflammation manifests in adverse health outcomes, including acne.

Grass fed beef is significantly higher in omega-3 fatty acids and lower in omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are “essential fatty acids”, meaning that our bodies cannot produce them, so we must consume them through diet. These two essential fatty acids work together to support human health.

Most Western diets contain an excess of omega-6 fatty acids and a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-6 fatty acids are not necessarily harmful to our health, but omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids must be consumed in an appropriate proportion. Grass fed beef supports our essential fatty acid requirement by its abundance of omega-3 fatty acids and low amount of omega-6 fatty acids.

Grass fed beef is an abundant source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLA is a polyunsaturated fatty acid found in ruminant animals (cows, sheep, etc.) that convert grass into nutrition through a prolonged digestion period.

CLA is known for being a powerful anti-inflammatory, and therefore can help alleviate inflammatory conditions like acne. For maximum CLA density in meat, it’s important to choose grass fed beef, as conventional grain fed beef is not a good source of CLA.

Saint John’s cows munching as the weather turns colder.

Saint John’s cows munching as the weather turns colder.

Grass Fed Beef: Glowing Skin

Grass fed beef is rich in acne-fighting, skin-supporting nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin E, anad zinc. The vitamin A in grass fed beef is in retinol form and is a primary contributing nutrient to glowing skin.

Vitamin A (the animal form of beta-carotene) is high in grass beef because the cow turns the beta-carotene from grass into vitamin A through its digestive and assimilative work. You may notice that the fat in grass fed beef steaks is more yellow in color while the fat of grain fed beef is closer to white (it’s very obvious on a cut like a NY strip steak).

This yellow color is a key sign of nutrient density for vitamin A. Vitamin A is highly bioavailable in grass fed beef, and it gives rich flavor to the beef as well.

Organic Grass Fed Beef: Free of Added Hormones

Many studies and stories show that acne and other skin issues are closely tied to hormonal conditions. Teenagers going through puberty and women going through hormonal changes often experience acne as a sign of hormonal change and possible imbalance.

Organic, grass fed beef supports hormon health in two primary ways. First, grass fed beef is an excellent source of zinc. Zinc is essential for the human endocrine system, and the endocrine system is what produces our hormones.

Second, organic grass fed beef is free of added hormones, something that is commonly given to conventionally raised cows. The hormones administered cause the cows to grow bigger and faster, and can improve the productivity (and profit) of a beef operation.

This productivity shortcut, however, comes with a cost. Cows fed growth hormones have higher IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1) levels in the meat, and there is some evidence that this can contribute to cancer and other diseases. The hormone content is present in the meat, and this consumption of added hormone can contribute to hormonal imbalances.

In summary, grass fed beef supports our whole body health (and therefore skin health) by supplying us with a balanced ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids to stop free radicals from entering a cell, conjugated linoleic acid to reduce existing inflammation, vitamin A for glowing skin, zinc for endocrine system support, and it’s free of potentially harmful added hormones. What’s not to like?
