Curious Saint John’s cows enjoying the organic, lush pasture.
What is organic?
In order to proudly display the USDA organic label, a product must be free of additives, synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and be non-GMO. For meat to be classified as organic, theUSDA requires “animals must be raised in living conditions accommodating their natural behaviors (like the ability to graze on pasture), fed 100% organic feed and forage, and not administered antibiotics or hormones.”
Why choose organic?
Organic food used to be the standard, the way our great-grandparents and earlier ancestors ate. It wasn’t called “organic food”, rather, it was just “food.” Today, our conventionally, industrially grown food has been contaminated through the use of herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, hormones, and additives. Instead of being a source of nutrition for our bodies and families, conventionally grown food has been shown to harm our health by increasing our toxic load, promoting inflammation, altering our microbiome, and possibly increasing cancer risk. By choosing organic, we choose pure and nutritious foods that restore our health and enable us to live to our fullest potential.
Why buy organic meat?
Saint John’s cows on a beautiful day.
Sourcing high-quality animal foods is important because the pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones an animal is exposed to are present in the meat we consume.
1. The animals are fed 100% organic food.
In conventional agriculture, many animals are fed diets that are unnatural for the species and food that does little to promote good health in the animal. The lack of quality nutrition for animals in addition to poor living conditions necessitate the use of antibiotics and other drugs to keep animals alive and growing. At Saint John's Organic Farm, we take the greatest care in feeding our cows a 100% grass-fed and grass-finished diet that is free of chemical pesticides, herbicides, and commercial fertilizers. They receive natural health care that avoids antibiotics, stimulants, and growth hormones, and they are looked after by our family. This care creates exceptionally healthy animals that yield the highest quality beef.
2. Free of antibiotics and other drugs
Preventative antibiotic administration is a matter of routine in much of the livestock industry, especially for beef. The overuse of antibiotics in conventional agriculture may be a major contributor to poor gut health in Americans and the development of "super-bugs" that are antibiotic-resistant. Steroids are also commonly given to increase the rate animals grow in order to improve profit margins.
3. Avoiding additives
Many meat producers inject their meat with a solution of water, salt, and sodium phosphate in order to add moisture, improve meat tenderness, and extend shelf life. These additives are not permitted under the USDA's organic label, and avoiding them is likely beneficial to human health.
4. GMO-free
By choosing meat that is certified organic, you are choosing meat that comes from an animal that is not genetically modified and is fed a diet that is not genetically modified.
5. Animals are humanely raised
Because the USDA requires certified organic meat to come from animals with "living conditions accommodating their natural behaviors", these livestock are much more likely to be raised in a humane way. At Saint John's Organic Farm, our cows are raised on diverse pasture grass, sunshine, and quality care from our family.
6. Environmental preservation
Conventionally grown meat uses an abundance of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers that deplete soil and harm the surrounding environment. Our grazing practices add to the fertility and health of our soil, instead of constantly taking nutrients that need to be replaced with synthetic fertilizer. We use less fossil fuel, have less water runoff, and run into fewer pest problems than our industrial counterparts. As providers for people and caretakers of the earth, we seek what is best for you and the world we inhabit, and will continue to offer a vision of sustainable agriculture for future generations.
How to Shop for Organic Produce
Source: Wellness Mama
It is possible to greatly reduce exposure to pesticides and herbicides from produce by sticking to the Environmental Working Group (EWG) Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen list. The EWG created these lists by looking at the spraying practices of conventional agriculture and also testing produce from supermarket shelves.
In summary, organic, grass fed beef is superior for our health, the planet, and for future generations.