Earth Day is a time to reflect on how our choices contribute to environmental degradation. Most consumer goods require some level of toxicity in order to grow, create, process, or transport them to our homes. It’s wise to pause and consider how to shift our consumption habits to better reflect our values.
1. Support the Soil
Our health starts with soil health. At the core of environmental protection issues should be restoring and protecting life-giving soil. Watch this 2 minute “I am the Soil” video to learn how farmers are using regenerative practices to restore soil vitality.
Flowers in bloom. Springtime on the farm.
2. Plant a garden
Take matters into your own hands. Studies show that food is most delicious and nutritious when fresh-picked. There are few joys that compare to walking into your garden to pick vegetables for dinner.
There are numerous free resources online on how to plant a garden. If you intend to have a garden this year, the time to gather seeds and make plans is now!
3. Shop locally
Commit to shopping locally where possible. Ask the farmers about their products. The food given to animals, the substances sprayed, and tilling practices all have an effect on soil health. As an added benefit, shopping locally creates resilience against food shortages and makes communities economically stronger.
4. Focus on organics
Organic food is an excellent place to start in reducing environmental toxicants and supporting your own health. Choosing organic is a doable action with real impact!
5. Enjoy
Take a nature walk (preferably barefoot) and notice what is around you. What birds are flying by or singing? What flowers are blooming? What colors paint the landscape all around you? Take it in, take a breath, and give thanks.