Raw milk is a source of deep nutrition, and unprocessed whole, raw milk from grass fed cows has many benefits for those who can digest it well.
Raw milk is milk that has been minimally processed, and specifically not heated for pasteurization. Pasteurizing milk changes the profile of enzymes, bioactive peptides, nutrients, and beneficial bacteria that are naturally present in the milk and give the milk so many of its health-promoting qualities.
The pasteurization process may also be a reason why many people are “lactose intolerant”, as milk processing increases the allergenicity of milk.
The pasteurization process increases the shelf life and made milk accessible to city folk during the Industrial Revolution, but now we know that this processing has a major downside – it’s much harder for the body to metabolize.
This means that people who are lactose intolerant may only be intolerant of highly processed, ultra-pasteurized milk. Many people find they thrive on raw dairy instead, with its enzymes and bacteria intact to aid in digestion.
Additionally, raw milk has a protective effect for childhood asthma and allergies and raw milk is a supremely important food for nourishing growing children, athletes or those seeking muscle growth, and pregnant and nursing women.
Raw milk has been shown to boost muscle building in athletes. Drinking raw milk post-workout has been shown to decrease muscle damage, increase muscle repair, increase muscle protein synthesis, and reduce recovery time from workouts.
Nutritional Differences
Photo Credit Real Milk Campaign
Additionally, there is some emerging research that the milk fat globulins of raw milk may be protective of brain health. Milk fat globulins may be protective against neuro-degenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s, as these globulins are fodder for brain growth and activity.
Raw milk can be an incredibly supportive food for many people. Check out our Raw Milk Co-op! Our milk is produced at a small scale, and all of our cows are 100% organically grass fed.