weston a price foundation

Principles of Traditional Diets: Eat Raw Animal Foods

Saint John’s organic, grass-fed cows!

During his global travels, Dr. Weston A. Price, DDS observed that all healthy traditional peoples ate raw animal foods, in addition to cooked animal foods. In contrast, meat and milk in today’s modern diet is mostly cooked and pasteurized. The average American is fearful of food that isn’t sterile; however, our ancestors knew the benefits of eating foods full of enzymes and life.

Weston A. Price, a 20th century dentist, observed cultures without access to processed foods, and he determined that, as a consequence, these peoples had far superior health in comparison to modern Westerners. He traveled the globe and studied primitive cultures in an effort to restore knowledge lost in industrialized societies. The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is dedicated to educating people today about how to use traditional foods and therapies to heal from the diseases of modernity, using the diet of our pre-industrialized ancestors.
The WAPF has digested Price’s work and synthesized 11 principles to help guide our dietary choices. This article is the fourth in a series to address and add context to each of the principles. The second principle of the Weston A. Price Foundation’s “Principles of Traditional Diets” states:

All traditional cultures cooked some of their food but all consumed a portion of their animal foods raw.
— Weston A. Price Foundation

The thought of eating raw animal foods is uncomfortable for many people, due to safety concerns. However, with proper sourcing (high quality foods) and handling, risks can be minimized.

Why Eat Raw Animal Products

The technology of fire to cook our food is one of many characteristics of humans that set us apart from other animals. Cooking food, especially meat, makes it highly palatable and helps with digestion but it does destroy some nutrients. Eating raw animal products gives the person a high amount of water soluble vitamins B and C (often destroyed in cooking meat), are good for digestion and very bioavailable nutrition (as is the case for raw egg yolks), and have beneficial enzymes present (as is the case for raw milk). Add some raw foods is a way to balance out a mostly cooked diet.

How to Regularly Consume Raw Animal Foods

1. Switch to Raw Milk

Conventional milk simply cannot compare to the experience of drinking raw milk. Raw milk is a living food that contains beneficial bacteria, enzymes, immunoglobulins, and vitamins that are not present in pasteurized milk! Many vitamins are destroyed by heat, which is why some milk has been fortified with synthetic vitamins. Raw milk is excellent for digestion, as it contains protease enzyme, which aids in the digestion of proteins, and lipase enzyme, which aids in digestion of fats. Our raw milk is certified organic and 100% grass fed!
Concerned about the safety of raw milk? Chris Kresser of the Functional Medicine Institute has done an excellent series that dives deep into the safety data on raw milk. Educate yourself about the risks, you’ll be surprised how safe it is.

2. Add egg yolks

Raw egg yolks are deliciously creamy and surprisingly versatile. Add an organic, pastured egg yolk to your warm oatmeal, fruit and raw milk smoothie, or whipped into coffee for extra protein and fat-soluble vitamins. Yolky coffee tastes like cream in coffee, try it with maple syrup for a delightful morning drink!

3. Consider raw beef liver

Many cultures consume meat and organ meats raw or very lightly cooked. Consider the classic French beef tartare or the Italian beef carpaccio. Raw meat, when well sourced and frozen for at least 14 days, can be a healthful addition. Raw beef liver has become infamous in the alternative health world for providing energy (from a plethora of water soluble B vitamins). The primary ways to eat raw beef liver include doing raw liver shots (chopping up into pill size and swallowing), adding the liver to a smoothie, or grating frozen liver onto oatmeal, scrambled eggs, or other savory dishes. The Weston A. Price foundation has more information about consuming raw beef liver.

When it comes to eating raw meat, it’s important to do your own research to understand the risks and safe handling procedures to make the best decision for you.

Eating raw animal products is one of many ways we can re-wild ourselves and return to the traditions of our ancestors. Drinking raw milk may be the easiest and arguably most enjoyable way to incorporate raw animal foods into our daily lives. 

Weston A. Price Foundation: Using Traditional Foods and Therapies to Heal

Saint John’s cows grazing on organic pasture.

Keto. Paleo. Vegetarian. Carnivore. Plant-Based. Carb cycling. Anti-Inflammatory. GAPS….Ancestral?

All of these are familiar diet labels we frequently hear about. But what really works to have thriving, healthy people?

Many people today find themselves on a journey for better health, and they are wise to start with optimizing their food. There is an overwhelming amount of information, much of it conflicting, about what diet is the healthiest for each person. The truth is complicated, but it’s well within our reach to find what works.

The diseases of modernity are more pervasive than they once were, and are often called “lifestyle diseases”. Most medical professionals are woefully uneducated about how nutrition and lifestyle factors impact health, and there are many people who can improve their conditions and overall health by changing their food, movement, sleep, and sunshine.

There’s an adage that if your great-grandmother didn’t eat it, you shouldn’t recognize it as food either. There is wisdom to be found in eating an ancestral diet, the diet of your pre-industrialized ancestors and the diet your genes expect.

The Weston A. Price Foundation is a pillar of the ancestral nutrition movement, and is dedicated to spreading information about how to use traditional foods and therapies to heal from the diseases of modernity.

Weston A. Price, DDS. Photo copyright Weston A. Price Foundation

Who was Weston A. Price?

Weston A. Price, DDS was a Cleveland dentist who travelled the globe and documented the diets and health of isolated, nonindustrialized peoples untouched by modern foods. As a dentist, he was naturally interested in palette formation and dental health and how traditional foods supported healthy skeletal development.

Astonishingly, he found a variety of tribal peoples were in excellent health with no cavities and no need for orthodontia. He observed their facial structure was beautiful and their elderly lived long and healthful lives.

“The photographs taken by Dr. Weston Price illustrate the difference in facial structure between those on native diets and those whose parents had adopted the “civilized diets of devitalized processed foods. The “primitive” photos on the left show a wide, handsome face with plenty of room for the dental arches. The “modernized” children on the right show children born to parents who had abandoned their traditional diets, have narrow faces, crowded teeth, and reduced immunity to disease.” - Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, photos copyright Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation

All About the Weston A. Price Foundation

The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is a nonprofit charity dedicated to disseminating information about the work of Weston A. Price, specifically information related to food, farming, and the healing arts.

The WAPF is dedicated to “restoring nutrient-dense foods to the American diet through education, research, and activism, and it supports a number of movements that contribute to this objective including accurate nutrition instruction, community-supported farms, organic and biodynamic farming, honest and informative labeling, pasture-feeding of livestock, prepared parenting, and nurturing therapies.”

The WAPF publishes information about the characteristics of traditional diets found by Dr. Price and they make it easy by keeping a trove of recipes and shopping guides.

Why this Matters for Grass Fed Beef

One of the pillars of traditional diets is “eat beef, lamb, game, organ meats, poultry, and eggs from pasture-fed animals.”

For most of human history, we have thrived on grass fed beef (and other meats) because grasses are the species-appropriate diet for cows and other ruminants.

We know that, compared to grain fed beef, grass fed beef is:

  • 10X higher in vitamin A

  • 3X higher in vitamin E

  • Substantially higher in calcium, magnesium, potassium, & B vitamins

  • Lower in cholesterol

  • An abundant source of anti-cancer conjugated linoleic acid

  • Free of GMOs

  • Free of synthetic fertilizers

  • Free of hormones and antibiotics

  • Free of glyphosate and other pesticides or herbicides

We support the efforts of the Weston A. Price foundation because we know that nature cannot be improved upon, and returning to traditional ways of eating has restored the health of many in our community. We are proud to continue our family legacy of offering quality organic, grass fed, grass finished beef to the Treasure Valley.