Principles of Traditional Diets: How to Re-Mineralize Yourself

Spring in bloom

Did you know the diets of our pre-industrialized ancestors contained TEN times the fat-soluble vitamins (found in animal fats) and FOUR times the minerals as the average American diet?

Add to that soil depletion, pervasive low-grade stressors, and being overworked, and it’s no wonder chronic disease is all too common.

But there is hope! This is how to start re-mineralizing yourself.

Principles of Traditional Diets: Maximize Minerals and Fat Soluble Vitamins

Weston A. Price, a 20th century dentist, observed cultures without access to processed foods, and he determined that, as a consequence, these peoples had far superior health in comparison to modern Westerners. He traveled the globe and studied primitive cultures in an effort to restore knowledge lost in industrialized societies. The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is dedicated to educating people today about how to use traditional foods and therapies to heal from the diseases of modernity, using the diet of our pre-industrialized ancestors.

The WAPF has digested Price’s work and synthesized 11 principles to help guide our dietary choices. This article is the third in a series to address and add context to each of the principles. The third principle of the Weston A. Price Foundation’s “Principles of Traditional Diets” states:

“The diets of healthy, nonindustrialized peoples contain at least four times the minerals and water-soluble vitamins, and TEN times the fat-soluble vitamins found in animal fats (vitamin A, vitamin D and Activator X, now thought to be vitamin K2) as the average American diet.”

This finding is a major clue as to why modern people are plagued with chronic disease, and further examination reveals how mineral and fat-soluble vitamin support is central to healing.

Where did the minerals go? Soil and Stress

Why is it that health-conscious people are unable to meet their nutritional needs through judicious food choices? The truth is that no one really knows, but we have two pretty good guesses: soil and stress.

The soil is the starting place for nutrition. Because the soil is depleted, our food and our livestock’s food isn’t as nutrient-rich as it was 100 years ago. Some of this is due to overgrazing and mono-cropping. Learn more about our farming practices.

The other piece of the puzzle is stress. Chronic, low grade stress is on the rise, perhaps even commonplace, alongside the soil depletion in the last 100 years. As a culture, we work more, sleep less, and hardly play outside. More is expected of us in terms of productivity and working hours. Much of this is economically driven, and the health impacts of unmitigated stress are serious.

Stress leads to micronutrient depletion in the body, due to rises in cortisol and estrogen and lower levels of progesterone and testosterone.

The “Big Four” minerals depleted by stress are sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. These four are crucial to feeling calm, centered, and focused when going about our daily lives.

It’s worth noting that magnesium is absolutely crucial for cellular function, and all health starts at a cellular level. Many people are deficient in vitamin D, and this may also be a magnesium deficiency because magnesium is required for vitamin D synthesis.

In sum, we have food depleted of minerals and bodies that have a high burn rate of minerals due to chronic stress. The way out is to focus on whole food sources AND wise supplementation.

Three Delicious Mineralizing Drinks

The Root Cause Protocol (RCP) has coined the term “adrenal cocktail”. It’s a non-alcoholic drink to support the adrenal glands and promote mineral balance. The minerals of focus are sodium and potassium with a source of whole food vitamin C. They are all delicious pick-me-ups, best consumed an hour before or after a meal. I often feel a sense of calm and focused energy come over me about 10 minutes after drinking. The minerals do a great job supporting the body’s nervous system!

The Standard:

This one is a great choice for a mid-morning drink!

½ cup orange juice

¼ tsp Redmond real salt (or Himalayan or Celtic sea salt, must be non-iodized)

¼ tsp cream of tartar (do not consume if you have a sulfite allergy)

Mineralizing Orange Julius:

I drink this one when I want something creamy!

¼ cup orange juice

¾ cup Saint John’s raw, organic, grass-fed milk

¼ tsp salt

¼ tsp cream of tartar

Coconut Lime Cocktail:

This one is perfect for the hot summer ahead!

1 cup coconut water

¼ cup lime juice

¼ tsp salt

Mix in a scoop of collagen to any of these for a protein + glycine boost!

Don’t like coconut water? Try aloe vera juice for potassium instead!

Bone broth is an excellent mineral source as well. Try our grass fed beef bone broth recipe, add a pinch of salt, and sip!

Sourcing Fat Soluble Vitamins

The fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E, and K. They are most abundant and bio-available in pastured animal products, such as organic grass fed beef. These vitamins were found to be 10X higher in concentrations in primitive diets compared to modern, industrialized diets. This discrepancy is enormous, given the essential functions these vitamins support.

It’s interesting to note the nutritional differences between conventional and grass fed beef here. We know that, compared to conventionally raised beef, grass fed and finished beef is: 

  • 10X higher in vitamin A

  • 3X higher in vitamin E

  • Substantially higher in calcium, magnesium, potassium, and B vitamins

  • Lower in cholesterol

  • Rich in stearic acid, which lowers cholesterol

  • Abundant source of anti-cancer conjugated linoleic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid)

All from beef…vitamins A and E for fat-soluble vitamins and calcium, magnesium, potassium for minerals. Add in some of our raw, organic, grass fed milk, and you’ll be nourished with vitamins A, D, E, and K. Cows are such a gift!

Because it’s no longer en vogue in American culture to consume the “odd bits” of the animal (heart, liver, kidney, spleen, etc.), most Americans are deficient in vitamin A. Pre-formed vitamin A (retinol) can only be found in animal foods, and it’s most abundant in beef liver. Beef liver is arguably the most nutrient dense food for humans, and eating organic, grass fed and finished beef liver on a regular basis is the best way to replenish vitamin A stores.

If you don’t like the taste of beef liver, try these fried liver bites or learn our tried-and-true method to hide liver in your favorite recipes.

Earth Day: Practical Ways to Honor the Earth

Earth Day is a time to reflect on how our choices contribute to environmental degradation. Most consumer goods require some level of toxicity in order to grow, create, process, or transport them to our homes. It’s wise to pause and consider how to shift our consumption habits to better reflect our values.

1. Support the Soil

Our health starts with soil health. At the core of environmental protection issues should be restoring and protecting life-giving soil. Watch this 2 minute “I am the Soil” video to learn how farmers are using regenerative practices to restore soil vitality.

Flowers in bloom. Springtime on the farm.

2. Plant a garden

Take matters into your own hands. Studies show that food is most delicious and nutritious when fresh-picked. There are few joys that compare to walking into your garden to pick vegetables for dinner.

There are numerous free resources online on how to plant a garden. If you intend to have a garden this year, the time to gather seeds and make plans is now!

3. Shop locally

Commit to shopping locally where possible. Ask the farmers about their products. The food given to animals, the substances sprayed, and tilling practices all have an effect on soil health. As an added benefit, shopping locally creates resilience against food shortages and makes communities economically stronger.

4. Focus on organics

Organic food is an excellent place to start in reducing environmental toxicants and supporting your own health. Choosing organic is a doable action with real impact!

5. Enjoy

Take a nature walk (preferably barefoot) and notice what is around you. What birds are flying by or singing? What flowers are blooming? What colors paint the landscape all around you? Take it in, take a breath, and give thanks.

Farm News April 2022

Claire feeding Alberta, out of Cherry. Alberta's front legs were weak for a couple days after birth, so feeding her bottle was the next level of Saint John's Organic Farm's gym workout... an "airchair " squat holding her weight on my knee so she could focus on drinking...

Calving season is going well. One set of twins, twice as many heifers as bulls so far, and all calves healthy and friendly and handling the spring very nicely. Even with 75 degrees a couple weeks ago and then snow the last couple of days, the calves have thick coats and are eating well. These Swiss calves are super sociable and docile and easy and fun to work with. It's nice to be back to full Brown Swiss, after the experiment with the beef bull crosses.

Baby Iris, out of Clover

We have seven bales of hay left in the stack, but with the grass growing, it looks like we're coming through all right. This winter took some juggling with feed and weather, but hopefully we can start irrigating soon (as soon as our pump gets fixed... Water comes in on the 15th!) and then the grass should come on fast.

Asdrúbal, or Ozzie, with JJ

JJ and Elisa are back in France. Aaron is doing great at his new job, but comes out some weeks to help us with projects.

Posy and Florian, even though she's a Red Devon cross and small for her age, no csection needed!

I'm going to let the pictures speak for the rest of the newsletter!

Periwinkle coming to say hi.

Cottonball with her twins, and adopted baby Luna. Blowing steam in the cold.

Picked up bummer lambs and a goat this year, Molly the goat, Meg the spotted lamb, black lamb Lizzie not shown... Sasha loves her new babies to take care of.

Serena out of Tiria. The usual farm cart was busy, so the red wagon worked, but only barely. She's a big girl!

Baby bunnies, two litters, nearly ready to go.

Principles of Traditional Diets: The Danger of Veganism and Vegetarianism

Meat-Free Monday and limiting animal products for plant-based products is becoming trendy and commonplace. Many people try out veganism or vegetarianism in an effort to lose weight or find relief from health problems.

New York Public Schools has started Meat-Free Fridays for the children’s school lunch program. Eating plant-based is touted as a healthier option to traditional animal products.

The “plant-based is healthier” argument rests on the idea that plants have all the nutrition we need to live and thrive, and therefore eating meat is optional. Spinach has iron. Chia seeds are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Beans and lentils have all the protein you need!

Yes. Plants have nutrients. But that’s not the whole story. And the whole story is why so many of us wreak havoc on our bodies by skimping on animal products.

What’s missing from this conversation?

Nutrition in plants is often not readily bioavailable, and it is dangerous to assume, as many do, that because a food contains a nutrient we are able to absorb that nutrient.

This is the danger of vegan and vegetarian diets.

Meat-Eating in Traditional Diets

Weston A. Price, a 20th century dentist, observed cultures without access to processed foods, and he determined that, as a consequence, these peoples had far superior health in comparison to modern Westerners. He traveled the globe and studied primitive cultures in an effort to restore knowledge lost in industrialized societies. The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is dedicated to educating people today about how to use traditional foods and therapies to heal from the diseases of modernity, using the diet of our pre-industrialized ancestors.

The WAPF has digested Price’s work and synthesized 11 principles to help guide our dietary choices. This article is the second in a series to address and add context to each of the principles. The second principle of the Weston A. Price Foundation’s “Principles of Traditional Diets” states:

“​​All traditional cultures consume some sort of animal food, such as fish and shellfish; land and water fowl; land and sea mammals; eggs; milk and milk products; reptiles; and insects. The whole animal is consumed—muscle meat, organs, bones and fat, with the organ meats and fats preferred.”

Are Vegan and Vegetarian Diets Deficient?

The number one reason why vegan and vegetarian diets are deficient is because of nutrient bioavailability.

Plants have nutrients.  People must digest the plants in order to absorb and utilize those nutrients. Often, these nutrients are trapped in anti-nutrients like oxalates, phytates, and lectins. More often, we don’t have the necessary enzymes to convert the nutrient precursor into their fully bio-available form.

Example: Vitamin A from Carrots vs. Beef Liver

Let’s start with an example.

There’s an association between carrots, sweet potatoes, and other orange and yellow vegetables and vitamin A, with their pigmentation as an indicator of beta-carotene. It’s a common misconception that beta-carotene is vitamin A. In truth, carotenes are a precursor to vitamin A, and most humans can convert beta-carotene to vitamin A. Our genetics and gut health determine if, and to what extent, we are able to convert beta-carotene into usable vitamin A.

Let’s compare carrots and beef liver. 100 grams of cooked carrot contains about 10,200 mcg of vitamin A in beta-carotene form, but only 852 mcg will be converted to active retinal form, given favorable genetics and good gut health.

Only 8% of the beta-carotene was converted to active vitamin A in this case. In stark contrast, 100 grams of cooked beef liver contains 7700 mcg of vitamin A, all of it preformed and ready to be absorbed.

If one wanted to get the same amount of vitamin A from carrots as are in 100 grams of cooked beef liver, one would have to eat about 20 carrots.

The danger is most vegans and vegetarians aren’t eating 20 carrots at a sitting.

This example underscores how nutrient dense animal foods are. Small amounts of animal foods pack more nutrition than buckets of vegetables.

Vitamin A in retinol form is not an optional nutrient for people who want to thrive. Vitamin A is essential for reproduction, vision, and immune system function, and deficits in vitamin A is a leading cause of common ailments like night blindness, frequent colds or other acute illnesses, and infertility.

Example: Omega-3s from Chia Seeds vs. Salmon

Chia seeds, another popular food “high in omega-3s” is bolstered as an alternative to eating animal-based foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, nutrition that is critical for brain and neurological function.

The story is complicated because chia seeds are a rich source of one kind of omega-3 fatty acid: alpha linoleic acid (ALA). Salmon is a rich source of three of the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA, DHA, and DPA. All of these are critical for brain, neurologic, and cardiovascular health.

A vegan or vegetarian may eat chia seeds diligently thinking they are getting all of their healthy omega-3s, and they are, but they aren’t getting all of them. Some people can convert ALA to the brain-boosting EPA and DHA, but not everyone can, and the degree to which one can convert these acids is genetic.

For people eating a diet high in saturated fat (not vegans and vegetarians), the average person can convert 6% of ALA to EPA and 3.8% of ALA to DHA. Those with diets low in saturated fat convert about 50% less.

Nutrients Only Found in Animal Foods

  • Vitamin D3

  • Vitamin B12

  • Choline

  • Cholesterol

  • Heme Iron

  • Creatine, Carnosine, Taurine

Many people feel better when initially following a plant-based diet because they cut out all the junk and give their bodies a chance to cleanse. However, what many don’t realize is it’s a matter of time before their health begins to deteriorate after their bodies deplete their nutritional reserves.

In a survey of about 11,000 Americans, the results showed that 84 percent of vegetarians and vegans return to eating meat. Most lapse within a year, while nearly a third don’t last more than three months. The study falls in line with previous research.

The 84 percent are listening to their bodies because their bodies need animal products to thrive.

The good news is most vegans and vegetarians that grew up in America grew up eating meat and probably have excellent nutritional reserves from which their body can pull nutrition during times of stress or famine, like while eating a deficient diet. Even more good news is that our bodies can heal!

Eating high quality animal products like organic, grass fed and finished beef can go a long way to restoring depleted nutrient stores.

Compared to conventionally raised beef, organic grass fed and finished beef is:

  • 10X higher in vitamin A

  • 3X higher in vitamin E

  • Substantially higher in calcium, magnesium, potassium, and B vitamins

  • Lower in cholesterol

  • Rich in stearic acid, which lowers cholesterol

  • Abundant source of anti-cancer conjugated linoleic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid)

Vegans and vegetarians have excellent intentions, and the facts surrounding nutrient bioavailability simply can’t be ignored. Animal products are not optional for those who want to live with energy and vitality.

Farm News February 2022

My dog Sasha, and Happy and Trumpkin.

The winter hasn't been too bad after all. I'd wondered if it would be pretty rough, but other than a couple of week long cold snaps (one with several inches of snow), its been a pleasant winter. The cold snaps made me especially grateful for the rest of the winter. Zero degrees at night and never getting above freezing during the day for a week was plenty long for me.

A scarf around my face keeps me warmer!

A few of the days, I wrapped my scarf around my face, and it really did work! I looked like a terrorist, but being able to breathe warm air helped. :)

The snow is pretty, but its a lot of work. Between extra feeding and watering and checking cows and maintaining fences, and the snow literally slowing me down as I slogged and slipped my way through it, some of the days were nonstop during the daylight hours. But we all came through it pretty well. And Spring is looking lovely, already showing her pretty face!

We've had 5 cows in a race to have the first calf of 2022, and this morning Catalina won, with a sweet tempered blue grey heifer! Cherry, Cottonball, Kate and Amara are close behind, and Patsy, Flower, Rose, Raindrop, and Penny gearing up for a second race in short order.

JJ and Elisa on the big tractor.

JJ and his girlfriend Elisa have been here since Christmas. She is teaching a semester at Garfield Elementary, and its good to have JJ here for even a few months before he's off on his next adventure.

The hens are starting to lay again, the pigs are still frisking, the horses are shedding their winter coats, and I'm looking forward to this next season.

Jasmine on the clothesline post.

Grass Fed Beef Roasts: How To Make the Most Of Roasts

Slow Cooker Chuck Roast, served family style.

When receiving meat from a bulk purchase of beef from our organic farm, you are apt to receive many roasts! If roasts aren’t a familiar cut in your kitchen, here’s how to make the most of this versatile staple.

Our grass fed beef roasts are a cost-effective way to enjoy our nutritious beef. With a little planning, roasts can be a hassle-free way to get a delicious, hearty dinner on the table.

Consider using a slow cooker or pressure cooker to minimize your time in the kitchen. There are many ways to cook a roast, and the easiest is to put it in a slow cooker with some water, salt, and vegetables like onions and garlic, and cook low and slow for 7-10 hours.

These are our favorite tried and true roast dishes.

Beef Bourguignon, from a grass fed beef roast.

Oven-braised grass fed beef roast.

No slow cooker or pressure cooker? Try oven braised instead.

One roast, three dinners

A basic pot roast can make for 3 dinners, with a little planning.

Cook a large roast in a slow cooker or pressure cooker and you can serve it as:

1. First Night: Classic Pot Roast

Think pot roast with carrots, mashed potatoes, bread and butter, and side salad.

2. Second Night: Shepherd’s Pie (substitute leftover roast meat for ground beef)

Shepherd’s Pie is classic crowd-pleasing dish, and comes together quickly.

3. Third Night: Roast Beef Sandwiches

Roast beef sandwiches dressed with mayonnaise, pickles, and cheese are so delicious. Consider adding other toppings to spice it up, like pickled jalapenos, minced onion, or sauteed mushrooms.

Herb-rubbed top round roast.

Try our grass fed beef roasts and taste the organic, grass-fed difference!

Lab Grown Meat: Why It’s Not the Meat of the Future

Critics of meat production and consumption tout lab grown meat, also known as cell-cultured meat, as a feasible, cruelty-free alternative to meat. They claim that meat is bad for our health, bad for our environment, and unsustainable for our future. These claims are untrue as they pertain to well-managed grass fed beef farms because organic, grass fed and finished beef is superior to conventionally raised beef. Grass fed beef is both healthful and a net benefit in its environmental impact. We contend that lab grown meat is not a replacement for organic, grass fed, grass finished beef and in fact is harmful to our health and the environment.

Lab Grown Meat: Marinated in Fetal Calf Serum

The process to “grow” a burger.

Lab grown meat is not a soy-based meat alternative, but rather it’s meat that has been cultured in a factory from cell lines originating from a live animal. The meat is “grown” from stem cells to muscle fibers by marinating in a serum concocted with ingredients from the embryos of pregnant cows. Some pregnant cows headed for slaughter have their embryos harvested alive and the calves die slowly while fluid from their heart is extracted. It’s unfortunately a far cry from being “cruelty-free.”

After the stem cells have matured, they are colored, ground, mixed with fats, and shaped into burgers or sold as ground meat. The scientists are yet to find a way to make the meat resemble the texture and shape of steak, roasts, or other identifiable cuts of meat, and 3D printing may be used in the future to mimic these more desirable cuts.

The Problems with Lab Grown Meat

There’s no animal fat

The process of growing meat cells does not impart any fat into the meat. Proponents of lab grown meat cite this as a benefit because this meat can be engineered to be very low in cholesterol. The fat cells are engineered separately and added to the meat after cell culturing, with most products using polyunsaturated fats from soybean or canola oils. These are heavily processed oils that have a plethora of negative health effects and cannot compete with the healthful, omega-3 rich fat present in grass fed and finished beef.

Lab grown meat is nutritionally inferior to grass fed beef

All lab grown meat has antibiotics and preservatives added as part of the culturing and packaging processes. These antibiotics and preservatives are known to have negative health impacts like harming human gut lining and wreaking havoc on our microbiome.

There is little known about the nutritional quality of lab grown meat as it is still an emerging product. There are some doubts that lab grown meat will be as healthful as conventionally raised beef in terms of iron, zinc, and B vitamin content.

Compared to conventionally raised beef, grass fed and finished beef is:

  • 10X higher in vitamin A

  • 3X higher in vitamin #

  • Substantially higher in calcium, magnesium, potassium, and B vitamins

  • Lower in cholesterol

  • Rich in stearic acid, which lowers cholesterol

  • Abundant source of anti-cancer conjugated linoleic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid)

Taste can’t compare to grass fed and finished beef

Flavor enhancers like artificial flavors and MSG are added to lab grown meat to improve its taste in an effort to mimic the taste of beef. In taste tests, lab grown meats are described as being “metallic” in taste.

Our well-raised grass fed and finished beef is delicious and complex in flavor. By feeding the cows their species appropriate diet, the meat is allowed to reach its true flavor potential. Taste the difference of our organic, grass fed and finished beef!

Lab Grown Meat isn’t the Answer

Saint John’s cows eating organic hay in January.

We agree that there are glaring issues with how the majority of meat in the United States is raised. Most cattle are raised in caged animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and fed a diet of RoundUp soy and corn, a far cry from grass fed and finished beef, and there are many unfortunate cases of animals not having access to a basic quality of life. However, this doesn’t mean lab grown meat is an adequate solution.

There are many small farms working with regenerative practices to steward the land and provide food that is chock full of nutrients, nutrition to which lab grown meat simply cannot compare. In fact, rotational grazing patterns for grass fed beef actually put greenhouse gasses back into the soil!

From a nutritional, environmental, and taste perspective, lab grown meat cannot compete with high quality organic grass fed and finished beef. There are problems with our food systems, but culturing meat in a factory is not a tenable solution. Supporting local farms that raise quality meats and grow produce is a step we can all take to secure our food future.

Slow Cooker Beef Bourguignon: Classic Grass Fed Beef Dish for Valentine’s Day

Plated grass fed beef bourguignon

Surprise your sweetie this Valentine’s Day with the French classic beef bourguignon, starring grass fed beef!

The chunks of beef absolutely fall apart after being slow cooked in the rich red wine gravy. This dish is sure to stun on Valentine’s Day but is also perfect for a family dinner. Either way, this is our new favorite way to enjoy grass fed beef roasts.

The sauce is velvety, and the dish impresses with its comforting, rich, and complex flavors. The carrots are tender, the pearl onions are plump with the red wine sauce, and the beef is absolutely luscious.. Beef bourguignon is a classic I’ve always wanted to try, and the slow cooker adaptation makes the preparation approachable.

Mashed potatoes makes a delicious side dish.

This recipe was inspired by The Recipe Critic.


  • ½ lb bacon, chopped into small lardons

  • 3-4 lb Saint John’s organic grass fed beef roast, cut into 1-inch chunks

  • 1 cup red wine, pinot noir preferred*

  • 3 cups beef bone broth

  • ½ cup tomato sauce

  • ¼ cup soy sauce, tamari, or coconut aminos

  • 1 Tbsp anchovy paste or fish sauce

  • ¼ cup flour

  • 5 garlic cloves, minced

  • 8-12 pearl onions, peeled and whole

  • 2 sprigs fresh thyme

  • 5-7 carrots, peeled and sliced on the bias in 2 inch chunks

  • 1 cup mushrooms, sliced

  • 3-5 potatoes, peeled and chopped into 2 inch chunks, optional**


  1. Cook bacon in skillet over medium-high heat. When cooked, remove bacon and reserve.

  2. Generously salt and pepper all sides of beef. Brown beef on all sides for 2-3 minutes. Be mindful not to crowd the pan. Reserve beef.

  3. Add wine to pan, stirring continuously. Bring wine to a boil, then reduce at a simmer for 10 minutes.

  4. Add broth, tomato sauce, soy sauce, and anchovy paste. Stir well to combine.

  5. Add flour and whisk until smooth. Remove from heat.

  6. Add bacon, beef, wine mixture, garlic, thyme, and vegetables to crock pot. Stir well to combine. Cook on low for 8-9 hours or high for 5-6 hours.


* Pinot noir not required. Any red wine will do or substitute ½ cup apple cider vinegar and ½ cup water

** I omitted potatoes because my crock pot was quite full from the large 4+ lb roast and I planned to serve with mashed potatoes. If using potatoes, baby potatoes would be a lovely addition.

Enjoy this preparation of grass fed beef bourguignon! When you try this recipe, let us know by tagging us on Instagram or Facebook. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Principles of Traditional Diets: Avoiding Processed Foods and the Menace of Seed Oils

Consuming processed foods is a real problem in the United States, especially when it comes to what our kids are eating. The latest research shows that children and adolescents aged 2-19 get a whopping 67% of their calories from ultra-processed, nutrient-poor foods.

Additionally, the 20 year study found:

“The greatest increase in calories came from ready-to-eat or ready-to-heat meals such as pizza, sandwiches and hamburgers, rising to 11.2% of calories from 2.2%. Packaged sweet snacks and treats such as cakes and ice cream were a runner-up, which made up 12.9% of calorie consumption in 2018, compared with 10.6% in 1999.”

We know processed food is a problem, and “avoid processed food” is common health advice for those seeking to lose weight or improve overall health. However, this advice may be too open to interpretation. What exactly is processed food? Which ones should we avoid? We’ve all heard to avoid added sugars, but what other ingredients are we consuming that have ill effects on our health?

Weston A. Price, a 20th century dentist, observed cultures without access to processed foods, and he determined that, as a consequence, these peoples had far superior health in comparison to modern Westerners. He traveled the globe and studied primitive cultures in an effort to restore knowledge lost in industrialized societies. The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is dedicated to educating people today about how to use traditional foods and therapies to heal from the diseases of modernity, using the diet of our pre-industrialized ancestors.

The WAPF has digested Price’s work and synthesized 11 principles to help guide our dietary choices. This article is the first in a series to address and add context to each of the principles. The first principle of the Weston A. Price Foundation’s “Principles of Traditional Diets” states:

The diets of healthy, nonindustrialized peoples contain no refined or denatured foods or ingredients, such as refined sugar or high fructose corn syrup; white flour; canned foods; pasteurized, homogenized, skim or lowfat milk; refined or hydrogenated vegetable oils; protein powders; synthetic vitamins; or toxic additives and artificial colorings.
— Weston A. Price Foundation

It’s no surprise that “refined foods”, “sugar”, and “high fructose corn syrup” are among the first to be named, but many readers may be surprised to see “white flour”, “pasteurized, homogenized milk”, “protein powders”, and “vegetable oils” to make the naughty list. These ingredients are incredibly commonplace in the packaged food supply, and avoiding them requires extra care. However, it is certainly worth the hassle.

What is the impact of processed foods?

Processed foods are everywhere, and in our busy lifestyles, avoiding them can feel challenging because many of our favorite convenience foods can be classified as “ultra-processed”. The impact of processed foods cannot be overstated.

Heavily processed foods have been shown to:

  • Be addictive

  • Raise LDL cholesterol

  • Raise blood pressure

  • Contribute to obesity

  • Increase risk of cancer and death

  • Increase risk of depression and mental health disorders

  • Contribute to behavioral and attention problems in children

Benefits of Avoiding Processed Foods:

  • Cut empty calories

  • Have fewer acute illnesses and colds

  • Have fewer days off from work

  • Lower risk for chronic disease

  • Room for more nutrient dense food in diet

  • Enjoy simple, natural flavors

  • Live longer

  • Avoid artificial ingredients

Types of Processed Foods

There is a spectrum of processing when it comes to the term “processed foods”. Some foods must be processed for us to properly eat them, such as cleaning, chopping, peeling, soaking, cooking, and grinding. Many foods, usually deemed “snack foods” like cookies, cakes, sodas, and chips are obviously processed, and most health-conscious folks know to avoid them.

Other common foods that are processed but not considered “processed foods” include milk and seed oils.

Ultra-processed foods:

  • Cookies

  • Cakes

  • Most snack foods

  • Sodas

  • Chips

  • Hydrogenated oils and spreads

  • Pizza 

Processed foods:

  • Milk (pasteurization, homogenization, skimming fat)

  • Seed oils

  • Bread and bread products (muffins, tortillas, etc.)

  • Microwave / ready meals

  • Breakfast cereals

  • Processed meats like lunch meats, sausages, bacon, and salami

Ultra-processed foods include many of our favorite foods. They’re our favorites because they are quite literally engineered to be addictive

Menace of Our Food Supply: Industrial Seed Oils

As Americans. we’ve not been warned enough about the dangers of consuming industrial seed oils. Seed oils, called the “hateful eight”, include soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, grapeseed oil, and rice bran oil. These oils are used in most processed foods because they are cheap, tasteless, and have a long shelf life.

A quick scan of food labels in your pantry and their ubiquity will surprise you.

Soybean oil and canola oil are the most commonly used seed oils in processed foods, and rice bran oil is most frequently used in restaurants. Seed oils are dangerous because the extraction, deodorizing, and bleaching process requires a significant amount of heat that causes the oil to become oxidized, creating dangerous free radicals and other byproducts that are harmful to human health.

Seed oils are high in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which is known to overstimulate inflammatory processes in our bodies, increase LDL cholesterol, and contribute to the development of heart disease.

Many seed oils, called “vegetable oils”, are promoted by the USDA’s nutrition guidelines for their heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids and their low saturated fat content. However, seed oils have not been in the human diet for very long. Traditionally, fats have included butter and ghee, tallow (beef fat), lard (pork fat), coconut oil, and olive oil.

This “How It’s Made” video shows the lengthy industrial process required to produce canola oil. The seed is ground up, heated, extracted, and the final oil is bleached and deodorized to remove smell and taste. In contrast, making butter involves milking a cow and churning cream or making tallow requires melting and straining beef fat. The simplicity of the traditional fat is intuitively more aligned with the design of nature than the engineered oil.

Finally, heating seed oils during cooking produces trans fats and lipid peroxides. Trans fats are famous for being a major culprit contributing to heart disease, and lipid peroxides are a byproduct that damage DNA and cellular membranes, creating an environment for inflammation and chronic disease.

How to Use Traditional Fats

Saint John’s cows hard at work transforming hay into conjugated linoleic acid!

Processed foods and industrial seed oils are problematic foods, and making them a part of our regular diet has consequences we simply can’t ignore. Here’s what we can do instead.

Grass fed tallow is a nutrient-rich fat that is wonderful to cook with because it doesn’t oxidize at high cooking temperatures.

Tallow made from grass fed beef fat is:

Tallow is great of cooking by sauteing, frying, and your cast iron skillets will love it! It’s also wonderful applied topically to the skin. Check out our guide to rendering tallow from our organic, grass fed beef fat.

Switching most of our diet to whole, unprocessed foods is a radical step every person can take toward feeling fullness of vitality and lengthening and improving their lives. Starting with traditional fats like tallow is an excellent starting point in nourishing ourselves!

Slow Cooker Grass Fed Beef Heart Recipe: How to Make a Hearty Shepherd's Pie

Beef heart shepherd’s pie, ready to eat!

Beef heart is a healthful cut of meat, particularly known for its rich source of CoQ10, zinc, iron, and B vitamins. Grass fed beef heart has a delightful taste and slightly chewy texture. After trying several beef heart recipes, this is by far my favorite way to incorporate nutrient-dense heart into my family’s diet. The key to this recipe is to cut that beef heart into small, bite-sized pieces. It’s well worth your time, as the small pieces help to mitigate an overly chewy texture.

This dish was a crowd pleaser and the eaters were pleasantly surprised to learn it was beef heart!

I’ve also had success making this recipe with half beef heart and half roast. I slow-cooked a roast and a beef heart together, mixed them together, and had enough meat to make several shepherd’s pies, putting some in the freezer for a busy weeknight dinner.


  • 1 onion, chopped

  • 1 3-4 lb Saint John’s organic grass fed beef heart, chopped into bite-sized pieces

  • 3 bay leaves

  • 3 Tbsp minced garlic

  • 6-8 large potatoes, peeled and quartered

  • 3-4 carrots, peeled and diced

  • ½ cup green peas

  • ½ cup golden corn

  • 1 cup mushrooms, diced

  • 1 stick butter

  • ¼ c milk

  • Salt and pepper


  1. Place the chopped onion, beef heart, bay leaves, and garlic into a slow cooker and cook on high for 4-5 hours, stirring every hour. (Added water is not needed, but you can add 1-2 cups of water if you prefer).

Beef heart and herbs in slow cooker.

2. Prepare the mashed potatoes by placing the potatoes in a large pot of salted water and boiling for 20-25 minutes, until the potatoes are fork tender.

3. While the potatoes are cooking, saute the carrots in butter until tender, about 10 minutes. Add mushrooms and peas to the pan and cook until mushrooms are soft, 3-4 minutes. When cooked, combine with beef heart and stir well.

4. When the potatoes are finished, drain and add back to the pot with butter and milk. Mash well and season to taste.

5. Add beef heart and vegetables to a 9x13 pan or large casserole dish. Top with mashed potatoes and bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes, until the meat and vegetables are bubbling.

Cooked beef heart and vegetables arranged in an even layer before being topped with mashed potatoes.


  • Topped with sour cream, sauerkraut

  • Side of bread and butter

  • Side of roasted winter squash or salad

Enjoy this preparation of grass fed beef heart! When you try this recipe, let us know by tagging us on Instagram or Facebook.