Are you drinking GMO yeast milk?

from Joseph Mercola, MD


Story at a Glance

  • Synthetic dairy products, including milk made from genetically engineered yeast, are being touted as environmentally friendly health foods that should replace real milk from cows and other animals

  • Along with missing important micronutrients that are abundant in real milk, fake milk contains compounds that have never before existed in the human diet

  • Ninety-two mysterious, unknown compounds were detected in the fake milk that don’t exist in real milk

  • None of these compounds have been tested for safety by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

  • Tech oligarchs and venture capitalists are funding most fake food technologies, which gives globalists unprecedented power and control over human health

Synthetic dairy products, including milk made from genetically engineered yeast, are being touted as environmentally friendly health foods that should replace real milk from cows and other animals. But this deceptive green-washing is putting human health at risk, according to Dr. John Fagan, a molecular biologist who worked with the U.S.National Institutes of Health for 8.5 years.

Fagan is cofounder and chief scientist at the Health Research Institute (HRI). He spoke with Errol Schweizer for an episode of his podcast, "The Checkout," detailing concerning new findings about "animal-free" dairy. Along with missing important micronutrients that are abundant in real milk, fake milk — which Fagan and others refer to as a "synbio milk-like product" — contains compounds that have never before existed in the human diet.

"It’s really strikingly different. It just shows that this is not like milk. You can’t say that this is nutritionally like milk in any way," Fagan says.

Full-Spectrum Analysis Reveals Unknown Compounds in Fake Milk

At Fagan’s HRI, they use "cutting-edge mass spectrometric and molecular genetic approaches to make the invisible visible."

This full-spectrum analysis is capable of revealing so-called "nutritional dark matter," even in foods as mundane as wheat. The fact is, an estimated 85% of the nutritional components in common foods remain unquantified. The health implications of most compounds also remain largely unknown.

New Scientist notes:

"This is also true of individual micronutrients. ‘Consider beta-carotene,’ says[Albert-László Barabási at Harvard Medical School, who coined the term nutritional dark matter] … ‘It tends to be positively associated with heart disease, according to epidemiological studies, but studies adding beta-carotene to the diet do not show health benefits.

One potential reason is that beta-carotene never comes alone in plants; about400 molecules are always present with it. So epidemiology may be detecting the health implications of some other molecule.’ Another probable cause is the effect of the microbiome on dark nutrients, says [FooDB founder David] Wishart.‘Most dark nutrients are chemically transformed by your gut bacteria.

That’s probably why studies on the benefits of different foods give relatively ambiguous results. We don’t properly control for the variation in gut microflora,or our innate metabolism, which means different people get different doses of metabolites from their food.’"

We know even less about the constituents of processed foods and synthetic foods that ignorantly claim to be "equivalents" to whole foods, such as "animal-free meats" or"animal-free milk."

At HRI, Fagan and colleagues are using their full-spectrum analysis for a new category in the food industry — synbio milk-like product. For a bit of backstory, in 1994 Fagan returned close to $614,000 in grant money — and withdrew a request for an additional $1.25 million — to protest genetic engineering and the release of GMOs into the environment.

At the time, he said, "The benefi ts of genetic engineering have been oversold, and thedangers have been underrepresented."

His efforts to advocate for food purity andsafety, nutrition and food security have continued via HRI.

FDA Hasn’t Tested the 92 Unknown Compounds in Fake Milk for Safety

As Fagan explains to Schweizer, one form of synthetic biology involves bacteria, yeast or fungus cells genetically engineered to produce another compound, in this case cow milk proteins. The idea is once you have milk proteins, you can make something from that that supposedly is milk, he says. But Fagan and colleagues used a mass spectrometerto chart the differences in composition between synbio milk-like products, biodynamic milk and organic milk.

While important micronutrients exist in organic and biodynamic milk, they’re missing, or very low in, synbio milk. Further, mysterious, unknown compounds were detected in the fake milk that don’t exist in real milk. Fagan says:

"These are small compounds, and they include things like … fungicide and other really weird compounds ... These are huge amounts of these compounds that are present in synbio milk and not present in real milk. Literally, I counted andthere are 92 different compounds.

Most of them are so uncommon that we don’t even have names for them. And so we can say with good confi dence that these compounds have never been part of the human food supply before, and yet they are the predominant small molecules in synbio milk."

None of these compounds have been tested for safety by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

"This product has been put on the market without any safety testing,and your FDA — the FDA that you are paying taxes to watch and make sure your food is safe — looked the other way," Fagan says.

The proteins in synbio milk are also different from proteins in real milk. "Most of the protein that they’re putting into this synbio milk-like product is not milk proteins from cows, but it’s fungus and yeast proteins … we don’t know which, because that’s one of their trade secrets."

In recent years, the idea that we can replace whole foods with synthetic, genetically engineered or lab-grown alternatives that are wholly equivalent to the original food hastaken root. In reality, that’s simply impossible.

How can scientists create equivalence when they don’t even know what 85% or more of the whole food they’re trying to replicate consists of? Common sense will tell you they can’t. It might look, smell and even taste similar, but the micronutrient composition will be entirely different and, as a result, the health effects will be incomparable as well.

Importance of Sunlight for Health: 5 Reasons Sunlight is Foundational

In our culture, eating fake food and living a sedentary life indoors is just normal.

The holistic health movement has done good work to move us toward real food and exercise, but what’s often left out of the conversation is SUNLIGHT and the power of our indoor lighting environment.

On a personal note, my health has radically improved over the last year, with the main change I’ve made being getting adequate sunlight, changing my indoor environment, and grounding daily.

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Morning sunlight balances hormones, improves mood, and keeps the metabolism chugging.

Every cell in the body needs to know what time it is in order to perform optimally. The light entering our eyes provides that information via the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which has a direct connection to the eyes.

Your hormones, your mood, your gut bacteria, and your metabolism all must know what time it is, and sunlight tells your body this.

2. Light from the UVA rise (first 2 hours after sunrise) builds the solar callus, which makes vitamin D synthesis more efficient and reduces the need for sunscreen.

Now that it’s Spring, it’s time to build your solar callus. This is a mostly invisible callus on your skin that prevents you from burning in the Summer and helps you process and utilize UVB light to make vitamin D.

3. UVB in the afternoon is the foundation for full spectrum vitamin D.

After the sun reaches solar noon, there’s move UVB in the sunlight. Exposure to your full body at this time of day will help you make vitamin D.

4. Sunlight sets our circadian clock for sleep. Inadequate sunlight and too much blue light can be a root cause for many sleep disturbances.

Sleep disorders have become so common that there’s a boom in professional sleep coaches. The foundation of sleep is the circadian rhythm, the internal clock that runs every process of the body. To optimize your circadian rhythm, you must:

  • See morning sunlight in naked eyes

  • Spend 30 mins outside during the UVA rise (first two hours after sunrise)

  • Take frequent light breaks throughout the day (looking through a closed window doesn’t count)

  • Wear blue blockers after sunset and eliminate or reduce sources of blue light in your home

    5. Sunlight restores the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the nervous system.

Sunlight is incredibly regulating to our nervous system. If we’re tired, Sunlight gives us energy and stimulation. If we’re in a state of fight-or-flight, the infrared frequencies from the Sun gives a calming, mood-stabilizing effect.


Carrie Bennett YouTube

Sarah Kleiner YouTube

Quantum Biology Collective Podcast

Baked Custard Recipe: 5 Minute Overnight Breakfast Recipe

by Courtney Meyerhofer

I’m always looking for ways to eat a high protein breakfast.

This custard is delicious, high in protein, and I can put it in the oven right before I go to bed.

There’s nothing like waking up to breakfast already made.



  • 4 cups Saint John’s raw organic milk

  • 6 eggs

  • ¼ cup honey, maple syrup, or sugar

  • Splash of vanilla

  • Pinch of salt

  • Optional: 2 scoops collagen or casein protein powder


  1. Preheat oven to 475.

  2. Warm milk in a medium pot until steaming.

  3. Whisk together eggs, maple syrup (or other sweetener), vanilla, and salt. Slowly whisk in milk once it’s steaming and optional protein powder.

  4. Pour into a loaf pan or other baking dish.

  5. Bake for 5 minutes.

  6. Turn off the oven and leave the custard in the hot oven for 6-8 hours (or overnight).


  • Maple syrup

  • Honey

  • Berries

  • Cinnamon

  • Eggs and toast on the side

If you try this recipe, tag us on Facebook or Instagram!

Why Choose Local Seeds for your Garden This Year

by Courtney Meyerhofer

With Spring right around the corner, it’s time to plan the garden.

Here’s why we encourage you to choose local seeds for your garden this year.

Local seeds are from plants well-adapted to your local growing environment.

Seeds saved locally are uniquely prepared to meet our area’s growing conditions.

Plants naturally adapt to their environment, so seeds from local plants are already adapted for the local area’s climate: temperature, humidity, disease, pests, and soil types are all adapted for and this information is stored in the seed itself. (Life is amazing).

Buying local seeds also keeps our money local. This supports local seed saving work and supports local farms who use regenerative practices we can get behind.

Snake River Seeds are uniquely adapted to our region, the Intermountain West. They’re open-pollinated and untreated. We highly recommend them!

March is a wonderful time to order seeds and get started on your backyard garden.

When you get your seeds, take a picture and tag us on Facebook or Instagram. We can’t wait to see what you’re growing!

Farm News March 2024

Aaron, Asher, and Samantha

by Claire Dill

Good morning!

Happy March! Claire here again.

February went pretty well, on the whole.

Heather, Asher, and Samantha

Aaron and Heather's daughter Samantha was born a week early, but happy, healthy and adorable. We're all pretty excited and they're settling in well.

My hens are laying beautifully, I'm collecting 10 to 14 eggs every day, so let us know if you are interested in purchasing fresh free range organically fed eggs!


JJ and I drew blood from all the cows to check for pregnancy so we can plan for the year with more information. While we were on that project, we found an infected ear spot on Morwen, so we doctored that with iodine. JJ likes to wear the waterproof yellow aprons for projects like this, because of the ease of washing it down with a hose and keeping most of his clothes clean and dry. Sometimes the aprons are also used in the milk barn, for the same reason. The cows get used to the yellow aprons pretty quickly, but at first sight, sometimes they think it's a monster going to eat them... ;)

The daffodils and crocuses are in bloom! 

Dexter, the black and white barn cat is 10 years old this year and has a new friend! Blue was dumped at my parents house almost a year ago, skinny and extremely spooky, but my mum's cats didn't like him, so we caught him and moved him to my house. My cats accepted him fine and I've been working on gentling him for months, and he has finally gotten pretty friendly. In February, he followed me down to the barn, and he and Dexter decided they are now best buds. They eat out of the same milk bowl, and sleep close together, and seem pretty thrilled with the arrangement.

Cabbage Roll Soup Instant Pot Recipe: Homey, Easy Soup for the End of Winter

My kids gobbled this up.

by Courtney Meyerhofer

Winter is soup season in our household.

It’s seasonal. It’s warming. It’s comforting.

This cabbage roll soup is reminiscent of central European stuffed cabbage rolls, without all the hassle of actually stuffing leaves of cabbage.


  • 1 onion, diced

  • 5 cloves garlic, minced

  • 2 lbs Saint John’s organic grass fed ground beef

  • 4 cups beef broth

  • 14 oz can diced tomatoes

  • 8 oz can tomato sauce

  • ¼ cup soy sauce

  • 3 tsp Worcestershire sauce

  • 1 small cabbage, chopped

  • 1 tsp salt

  • ½ tsp black pepper

  • ½ tsp parsley


  1. Turn Instant Pot on Saute mode. Add ground beef, onion, and a pinch of salt. Cook thoroughly and break meat up into small pieces using a wooden spoon.

  2. Turn off Saute mode and add all remaining ingredients to the pot.

  3. Cook on soup mode, low pressure for 15 minutes.

  4. When finished, allow soup to release pressure for 10 minutes before switching the seal to “Venting”.

  5. Serve warm!


  • Sourdough bread and butter

  • Sour cream

  • Red pepper flakes

  • Sauerkraut, for those of you that are cabbage lovers

If you try this recipe, let us know by tagging us on Facebook or Instagram!

Does Eating Organic Food Make a Difference?

Saint John’s cows grazing on organic pasture.

by Courtney Meyerhofer

We’ve all heard eating organic is healthier, but with rising food prices and widespread inflation, is the extra cost really worth it?

I generally think so, and here’s why.

  1. Eating organic exposes you to fewer pesticides.

Because USDA certified organic isn’t sprayed with synthetic pesticides, organic food has fewer ways for you to be exposed.

2. Organic food has more nutrients and minerals.

Organic food is grown from healthier soil. This means that the plant has more access to nutrients, thus increasing the nutrition in the end product! There’s a lot of data showing that organic is higher in nutrients,  lower in toxic load, and provides a measurable difference in human health.

3. Children who eat organic have fewer metabolic and liver disorders in adulthood.

Glyphosate exposure in early childhood is directly linked to liver and metabolic disorders in adulthood. We invest in the future generations when we feed kids organic.

4. Glyphosate is a public health hazard.

Glyphosate is one of the active ingredients in the herbicide RoundUp. Glyphosate is known to cause gut problems, mitochondrial damage, neuroinflammation, and oxidative stress. This may not seem like a huge issue, but the truth is that the mitochondrial and gut are the absolute foundations for energy in the body. When they are compromised, every other bodily process is, too.

5. Glyphosate drops 70% after six days on an organic diet.

This study showed that within six days of eating a 100% organic diet, participants saw 70% lower levels of glyphosate in their bodies. This is a significant change and shows the power of supporting our bodies with nutritious food. The body heals itself when well-supported.

6. Organic eaters have less inflammation.

Consuming foods with fewer nutrients and minerals, grown out of season, and sprayed with pesticides is hard on our bodies. Processing this through our guts causes inflammation that affects every other part of our health.

7. Eating organic lowers cancer risk.

Cancer is one of the top killers in our nation, and every generation has increasing cancer risk. Eating organic is shown to reduce cancer risk.

Farm News February 2024

by Claire Dill

January was... fun... With all the snow and the deep cold, we managed pretty well, but there were some long days trekking around getting everyone fed and watered and trying to keep things from freezing up.

Jonathan cleared the snow off the machine shed roof, which was marvelous.

Thankfully we have plenty of hay, and the cows are looking pretty good, they came through that cold snap pretty satisfactorily.

Ice crystals built up on the wires and grasses.

The beauty of the hydrant, the hose, and the float working.

Last year was a struggle with calving mortality, and I'm not sure what to expect for this year, we may not have very many calves. And for sure, I'm not expecting any for a while yet.

It's odd to not be getting into high alert mode, but I also don't mind a slower start to the calving season. Spring and fall calves are much easier to watch for and manage than winter and summer calves.

Winter is hard because the calf can freeze if the mom isn't attentive, in summer we have to watch pretty close because of the potential for dehydration if the baby doesn't nurse in good order.

Clover should be up first, probably in March or April. 

We haven't tested the cows to have specific due dates much these last few years, but we may do that soon to be able to plan this year with more information.

A tired puppy at the end of the day.

Hours of miles of snow travel.

Finding mice under the snow.

I am definitely enjoying the feeling of spring these last few days, and could be very happy if it just continues and stays. :) but if we get more winter, I guess that could be good to hit the insect population.

So I guess whatever God sends we'll have something to be thankful for!

Julie found a nice sunning place, even with the snow.

Dad and I hauled hay while Jonathan cleared the machine shed roof.

Thick fog, but enjoying clear ground with no snow!

Lia watching the milk cows eat.

‘Unlabeled and Unregulated’: Synthetic Milk Protein with 92 Unknown Compounds Used by More Than a Dozen Food Brands

by Suzanne Burdick, Ph. D.

Recent testing revealed 92 unknown molecules — and a fungicide — in “synthetic” milk now sold in common grocery chains, according to the Health Research Institute (HRI).

The product, sold by Bored Cow, uses a fake whey protein called “ProFerm” made by biotech company and partner Perfect Day. Perfect Day uses genetically modified “microflora” to produce the synthetic milk protein.

According to Bored Cow, their product is a new kind of “animal-free” milk alternative “made with real milk protein from fermentation.”

HRI, a nonprofit independent lab based in Fairfield, Iowa, examined multiple samples of Bored Cow’s “original” flavor milk using mass spectrometry to test the claim that the synthetic protein it contained was the same as real milk protein.

Synthetic milk has never before been consumed by humans and has not undergone safety testing by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), according to HRI’s Chief Scientist and CEO John Fagan, Ph.D.

The testing results have yet to be published, but Fagan shared a few highlights with The Defender, including that the synthetic milk lacked many important micronutrients found in natural milk such as an omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin E and some B vitamins.

It also contained a host of compounds that could be harmful to human health, Fagan said.

This news comes as Italy last month banned the sale of synthetically-produced meat, making it the first country to ban synthetic food, according to the Organic Consumers Association.

Fagan — a molecular biologist and former cancer researcher at the National Institutes of Health — has been a worldwide pioneer in testing genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Commenting on his lab’s findings, he told The Defender, “The 92 unknown molecules we found have never been studied by scientists. So we don’t know whether they’re safe or dangerous, whether they are nutrients or toxics.”

Only eight compounds were identifiable. The rest were “uncharacterized” by scientific literature. Fagain explained:

In any natural material, you’re going to probably find a majority of compounds that science has not studied.

“Human beings have this arrogant idea that they know everything, but in fact, we know just a little fragment of what there is to know about the living world …

“[For example, a sample of] wheat will have many compounds that are unknown to science. But the difference is that you and I — our ancestors going back 4,000 years — have been eating wheat. And so we know from traditional use that whatever’s in wheat, it’s safe for us to eat.

“We can’t say that about the synbio milk. It’s what is called, in Europe and in Canada, a ‘novel food.’
— Fagian

Such countries require that novel foods be tested for safety before they’re put on the market, he added, but not the U.S.

Fagan said he found it concerning that the Bored Cow samples contained a pesticide — a fungicide called Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl.

“I think the reason this fungicide is present is because they added it to the fermentation process to inhibit the growth of fungi that could contaminate the production system,” he said, “So the things that we see here are not really good for us, let me put it that way.”

HRI compared these results to samples of natural milk from grass-fed cows.

69 important nutrients in natural milk absent in synthetic milk

“There were 69 important nutrients present in natural milk, most of which were completely absent in synbio milk. A few were present in small or trace amounts,” Fagan said.

For example, Bored Cow’s milk only had a trace of riboflavin, known as vitamin B2, while natural milk has very high levels, he said. Pantothenic acid, known as vitamin B5, was “absolutely absent in the synbio milk.”

Similarly, vitamin E was “essentially absent yet present in substantial levels in natural milk,” he said.

Additionally, forms of carnitine that are “really important for energy metabolism” were either missing or only present in trace amounts in the synbio product, he said.

The synthetic milk had “only a tiny trace of the important omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic.

Alpha-linolenic acid is “the most abundant omega-3 fatty acid in plants.” Natural milk from grass-fed cows typically has “significant levels” of it, Fagan explained.

Fagan added that “a number of other lipids or fats — diglycerides and mono and triglycerides — were undetectable in the synbio milk.”

These results contradict Perfect Day’s claim that it’s product — used by Bored Cow — is “identical to what cows make.”

Industry calls it ‘precision fermentation’ rather than ‘genetic engineering’

Bored Cow is one of at least ten companies selling “synthetic” or “synbio” dairy products.

Synbio” — short for “synthetic biology” — is a method that uses genetic engineering to modify microorganisms like yeast, algae or bacteria to produce novel products, according to the Non-GMO Project.

The Non-GMO Project said, “The biotechnology industry is marketing this method as ‘precision fermentation’ because it exploits a natural process … but it’s actually a form of genetic engineering.”

Indeed, Perfect Day avoids describing its production process as involving “GMOs” and, instead, explains on its website “how we teach microflora to create sustainable protein.”

Meanwhile, critics — including groups like the nonprofit GMO/Toxin Free USA that consider the product to be GMO — say synbio milk needs to undergo safety testing before the FDA allows it to be sold.

GMO/Toxin Free USA released a list of 12 brands they found to include synbio milk in their products, such as alternative dairy ice cream, milk, whey protein and cream cheese.

In addition to Bored Cow, the brands were Brave Robot, Nick’s, Coolhaus, Strive Nutrition, Nestle Cowabunga, Whey FWRD, JuiceLand, Apollo, Modern Kitchen, Nurishh and Mars CO2COA.

The Non-GMO Project named more companies, including The Urgent Company, California Performance Co. and Betterland Foods. Even General Mills now sells products made with synbio milk, according to Bored Cow.  

Perfect Day also lists partnerships with Nestlé, Mars, Myprotein, Renewal Mill and Bel Group.

GMO/Toxin Free USA said, “This is yet another corporate attempt to use Americans as their lab rats. NO THANK YOU.”

Ken Roseboro, founder and editor of The Organic & Non-GMO Report, agreed, telling The Defender, “Companies are getting billions in venture capital money as they sell synbio dairy products to the public.”

Roseboro, who edits the “world’s only directory of organic, non-GMO and regenerative suppliers” called “The Organic & Non-GMO Sourcebook,” said the products are “not non-GMO.”

“The Non-GMO Project prohibits synbio products like this from being verified as non-GMO,” he added.

Other startups developing dairy products using GMO fermentation include New Culture (U.S.), Change Foods (U.S. and Australia), Legendary Foods (Germany), Better Dairy (U.K.), Remilk (Israel), Turtle Tree (U.S. and Singapore), Cultivated Biosciences (Switzerland),  Changing Bio (China), Phyx44 (India), Reboot Food (U.K.) and Fonterra (New Zealand).

The European Union recently committed 50 million euros to the “precision fermentation” sector.

Does synbio dairy contain GMOs?

Meanwhile, Perfect Day claims ProFerm does not contain GMOs.

Fagan noted that the companies may claim that the GMO DNA is removed during the processing of the fermented proteins, but it is highly unlikely that they could remove all of the GMO DNA. “We are currently doing research to assess this,” he said.

Current federal law does not require products that contain ProFerm to be labeled as bioengineered or as containing GMOs. The Non-GMO Project states that synbio products go “unlabeled and unregulated in the marketplace.”

Indeed, the FDA on its webpage about GMO regulation says only “certain types of GMOs have a disclosure that lets you know if the food, or ingredients you are eating, is a bioengineered food.”

Since no GMO labeling is required for products with synbio milk protein, people may not know they are buying a GMO-based product, said GMO/Toxin Free USA.

For example, the ingredients listed for Bored Cow’s “original” flavor are:

Water, animal-free whey protein (from fermentation), sunflower oil, sugar, less than 1% of: vitamin A, vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), vitamin D2, riboflavin, citrus fiber, salt, dipotassium phosphate, acacia, gellan gum, mixed tocopherols (antioxidant), calcium potassium phosphate citrate, natural flavor.

The label does not specify that the whey protein was produced through genetic engineering of yeast.

‘There is nothing precise about the process’

Roseboro called HRI’s findings “very concerning” and said synbio milk products should undergo “extensive safety testing.”

“These synthetic biology companies are claiming to use ‘precision fermentation’ but finding 92 unknown compounds shows there is nothing precise about the process to make Perfect Day’s protein,” he said, adding:

It’s just ridiculous for them to call the process ‘precise.’ That’s the product of some PR [public relations] firm.

“They say they use ‘microflora,’ which is a nice term for GMO yeast.

“They are obviously trying to avoid using the term ‘GMO’ because of negative connotations.

When asked by The Defender if its product was non-GMO, a Perfect Day spokesperson did not directly answer and instead said:

“Our process, precision fermentation, has been safely used in the food industry for decades to create common ingredients like the microbial rennet in most cheeses, citric acid, amino acids, Vitamin B12, and more.”

Additionally, the spokesperson said the FDA on March 25, 2020, sent Perfect Day a “no-questions” letter that classified ProFerm as “Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS).”

Given that Perfect Day’s fermentation process involves using GMOs, it is unclear how the FDA concluded the product could be “generally regarded as safe,” Roseboro said.

Perfect Day’s spokesperson said the FDA’s evaluation for ProFerm’s GRAS notification was “very thorough and detailed on safety, nutrition, and quality.”

But such an evaluation doesn’t count for much, according to the Non-GMO Project, because the U.S. regulatory system around GMOs is “largely performative.”

The Non-GMO Project told The Defender:

“The FDA does not carry out, commission or require mandatory safety testing of GMOs that are entering the human food supply. Certain GMOs are regulated by other government agencies, such as the EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] or APHIS [the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service], based on potential environmental impacts.”

The FDA only looks at voluntary pre-market research that is designed and conducted by the companies making GMO products.

It’s a “clear conflict of interest” that these companies “who stand to profit from GMO commercialization” are the ones doing the research, the Non-GMO Project said.

The bottom line, according to the Non-GMO Project, is that synbio milk “contains unidentified compounds and it has not undergone independent, long-term safety testing.”

“It is not identical to natural cow’s milk, which has been part of our diet for millennia,” the group added.

‘Buyer beware’

Roseboro agreed. His advice to parents concerned about their kids’ health was, “Buyer beware.”

“These products have been put on the market without any safety testing,” he said, “The FDA has given them a pass and they should be safety tested.”

He added, “The same goes for other synbio-produced products like Brave Robot Ice Cream, Impossible Burger, Motif Foodworks, Remilk and others that claim to use ‘precision fermentation’ and ‘microflora.’”

Is synbio dairy protein vegan?

A marketing point for Perfect Day is that its synbio milk protein is “kinder” to animals and “animal-free.”

But whether ProFerm is vegan is a matter of opinion. The Non-GMO Project said the synbio dairy proteins like ProFerm “would not meet a strict vegan’s definition of a vegan-friendly protein alternative,” adding:

“Strictly speaking, vegan products don’t involve animals or animal products in any part of the development process.

“The creation of synbio dairy proteins is possible because blood drawn from a cow was used to map its genome in 2009.

“That genetic information was then stored in a computer database and used to program the genetically engineered microorganisms.”

Product not as ‘green’ as company claims

Perfect Day claims its process generates “up to 97% less carbon emissions …[and] uses up to 99% less blue water [sourced from freshwater lakes, rivers and aquifers] than traditional milk.”

However, Fagan disagreed. He said:

“The main input for fermentation is sugar — and they’re using high fructose corn syrup, which is a GMO product, and a product that is part of an extractive agriculture system that definitely generates much more carbon than it sequesters.”

The calculations that Perfect Day publicizes “completely ignore the carbon footprint of the agricultural processes that makes the inputs for fermentation,” he said.

“So in fact, although they say they’re carbon-neutral or carbon-negative, when you look at the whole picture, they are generating serious amounts of greenhouse gases and wasting water,” Fagan added.

Bored Cow did not immediately respond to The Defender’s request to comment on HRI’s test results.