grass fed beef health benefits

Grass Fed Beef Benefits: Health

In recent years, we’ve all learned how what we eat affects our health and well-being. The quality of our food, especially protein sources, determines what is available for our body to heal, recover, and grow. Here are some of the benefits of choosing organic, grass fed beef, as it relates to health.

Saint John’s Organic Farm cows grazing on summertime grass.

Saint John’s Organic Farm cows grazing on summertime grass.

Grass fed beef is more nutrient dense than grain fed beef. Grass fed beef is 10 times higher in vitamin A, 3 times higher in vitamin E, and substantially higher in calcium, magnesium, potassium, and B vitamins in comparison to grain fed beef. Grass fed beef is lower in cholesterol, and it’s rich in stearic acid, which lowers cholesterol.

Grass fed beef is an abundant source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), an important group of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. CLA has strong anticancer properties, encourages the buildup of muscle, and prevents weight gain. When cows are fed their natural diet and given quality, individualized care, they are able to provide us with an abundance of life-supporting nutrition.

There is a notable difference in the toxic load between conventional and organic beef. Organic beef has no risk of GMOS, synthetic fertilizers, hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, or the notoriously harmful glyphosate. “Animal products pose a multiplied scenario – animals fed and fattened on corn, soybean, and alfalfa feed are basically accumulating and concentrating glyphosate, as well as other toxins including animal antibiotics.” - Dr. Zach Bush, MD

Maintaining health affects every aspect of our lives. When we are adequately nourished, we feel invigorated and have energy to pursue our life’s purpose and connect deeply in relationships. When we are ill, we feel and perform poorly, and health issues can have a significant impact on mood and emotional health. Ultimately, there is a financial cost associated with health, for better or worse. Healthy people have reduced medical bills, fewer lost days at work; they are happier people who are fruitful. Children with adequate nutrition have higher test scores and fewer behavioral problems. Because food is preventative ‘medicine’, there is an economic advantage to investing in your health. The phrase “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” comes to mind.

Pikaberry enjoying the sunshine.

Pikaberry enjoying the sunshine.

Health starts at the cellular level, ultimately through nutrition. Our beef is packed with essential nutrients to power you and your family to live and love your life. If you want to boost your health, strength, and vitality, give our organic grass fed beef a try!